
The best part of reading the buzzfeed comments are watching the neo-nazis try to say that their pretty obvious and open code wasn't simply described and that somehow there is another layer of irony in it somewhere that keeps them safe.

It had a pretty serious cast of actors, it made more than double it's budget, and proceeded to be HATED by everybody in hollywood for being the epitome of bad late-90's superhero flicks. It's also probably the most well known piece of Spawn media, well beyond the HBO cartoon series and bat-shit-crazy-off-the-rails

Did the Beatles make an album about abusing spouses? No. Strawmen suck.

You, you're the ones who have a voice and need to represent. All efforts are appreciated! :D

All my hobbies live on the basic rule of 'nazis need not apply.' It's a pretty simple setup. If I see something I like and nazis do it, I drive the nazis out or I rally against them while enjoying my hobby. I've been known to pitchfork and torch nazis at my favorite bowling alley and any time I play squash.

At what point does art cross the line from pushing social boundaries to contracting them?

*hugs* It's going to be ok, Just recognize that these articles are addressing actual concerns of actual human beings. I think in many ways this is a pretty run of the mill article for the AV Club on a slow news day, just the 'Fucking Nazis' is the addendum in the post-Trump/Nazism on the rise era.


Scrolling down quickly it didn't take me more than a moment to find metal apologists who insist on circling the wagons when the article pointed out foisting these bastards out will stop the need to circle the wagons. I totally get it, nobody likes to get lumped in but nothing short of calling out nazis is the

Except that nazi punks were actually openly addressed and challenged by most political punks and even bands like the Ramones weighted if only briefly. It doesn't matter if they're your third cousin, twice removed, they're part of your family and need to be addressed.

It was classicly racist playing into offensive stereotypes but it also played against them at times. When Spencer emerged as a serious actress I kept picturing her in that role… :S

Sadly no, atleast not in av club circles…but yeah, his satire misses the mark endlessly, doesn't it?

I remember Spencer more so for Halfway Home than her small film roles till recently. I was prepared for her to be ready to kill since she was in a full on comedy and she delivers but like Don Knotts she has pretty much one gear and it works exceptionally well but it's still own gear.

Amazing wings? Good burgers? The whole gas station theme and nobody is overtly sexist?

Same, I go to BWW (since i don't live near a Quaker Steak right now) probably once or twice a month after I teach night class as an excuse for 'dinner' because I love the spicy garlic and parm garlic wings. There is a Hooters close by too but I've got zero interest. If it were a Hoots I would probably alternate at

I have a male friend obsessed with their chicken wings, which are good but not better than Quaker Steak by a long shot. So he would subject me to that place every few months for his obsession and it's nothing if not in a weird situation where everybody gets the sexism but the money salves their ego enough to keep

A.) Not Canadian, so you're whole ad hominem strawman attack on them is lost on me.

LGBT issues was basically Scott Thompson's central writing theme. So, yeah….Standing by my position. Never mind that Canada was already years ahead of America on the issue so it wasn't nearly as controversial as it would have played in the US.

>.< I normally catch it but thanks.

After 9/11 they stopped mocking Bush for maybe….18 months, by 2003/4 they were back to hitting him hard and that was still when his approval ratings were high.