
Dubbing himself a “conservative Democrat,” Downey is understandably critical of the fact that conservative politicians are traditionally roasted on the show for their ideas—which makes them out to be cold, mean, variably racist people—whereas figures on the political left tend to be called out for being too bookish,

I would actually prefer robocop as president. Sure he can't kill an OCP executive but he atleast has a strong sense of duty, he would be our 2nd Catholic president, and our first cyborg. He could make Anne Lewis the AG, she atleast understands crime on the streets even if she isn't a lawyer.

Is it terrible that I can write an entire philosophical think piece on your statement? V_V

The average starting salary in some states is below 30K, in most states it's in the mid-30s for a bachelor's degree in sciences (social or hard). That's underpaid, never mind that when looking at state averages you have much better paid suburban districts that are starting and finishing teachers 10-15K higher than

The classic false equivalency framed in even poorer english than usual….

So how many 'bad teachers' are in the system? Is it possibly a factor of poor pay that draws less competent workers? Is it because we ask teachers to do everything for these children including being their parents in many poorer situations and simply cannot return that kind of affection and attention needed?

During my undergrad days I actually took both a basic digital art course and a film course. I can edit video in a modern setting. This is beyond shoddy, the room needs a backlight, just put a fucking lamp under the table behind them to get the shadows off them. Then move the camera to be more on-center or push

In a weird way that doesn't really seem like satire, I actually wouldn't be surprised that much of his takes on society is locked into when he was relatively young and active in the business world before he became all golden showers and gold penthouses…

*Ruffles hat big enough for 200 Million eligible names*

Do you ever think the only time Trump ever actually experienced a major city is through Robocop and 1980's action films like Death Wish? He claims NYC is his home but living in a penthouse apartment in Manhattan then hiding out in your country club in Florida isn't getting a slice of Ray's pizza or experiencing

Crosby is too nice to say 'They ripped us off at an even worse rate than mumford and sons'

Synergy between comment and name….Complete.

That's just a bonus effect, breaking the teacher unions backs in the process.

There is something to GW's folksy charm. There is a reason why he and Michelle Obama hold hands at weird parties where they're both at. The guy is just fun to be around and it carries into his speech making. His policies were awful though…just god awful.

Go back, read his comments…He is a crypto-republican and frankly at best, he's a centrist, leaning towards center-right on political ideology. He framed every statement in a normative way that disallows challenges since he was never capable of actually bringing any evidence on the matter, my patience for the people

He is at best on our side until the next Romney shows up to woo him away. That's a fair weather friend at best.

Ad hominem, strawman, and projection. The perfect combination of somebody who writes normative statements without the backing of evidence then wonders why nobody takes him seriously.

*pats* It's ok, I'm actually quite capable of being 'moderate' when I choose, but again….nobody is going to take your schtick seriously when you write with this absolutely pathetic normative attitude…

Sessions is competent but evil. DeVos is incompetent and evil. Carson is incompetent and neutral to evil.

You mean to say that every school voucher program is merely a hidden tax break for wealthy parents who pay for quality private schools while the remaining people will be stuck with subpar charter or fly-by-night startups that fail immediately as her general approach in Detroit has done so and continues to do so?