
Sorry, you're who again? Why should I care what you or Merriam-Webster's definition is? I acknowledge it is pointlessly broad and made the point that when I and educated people like me discuss racism (hence the we) we mean that.

Eh? Fuck off….Look, I would have respected your position if you weren't just a tired trope of an arguer. You're playing the 'if I speak like a lazy aristocrat I'll seem more valid in my attitude' when you just now made an anecdotal argument when confronted with the argument that people who are calling fascists

So, some protesters stopped a Milo Y discussion at Berkeley and I'm supposed to be truly upset? Look, I don't condone it but I don't have to hate it either. See, that's the amazing ability of humanity to take a stand.

Don't be, it's interesting to read and I can appreciate your position. I carry an Italian last name that gets mistaken for Latino all the time, I look 'latina' enough to pass to whites but I'm not confusing anybody at a latin market…

Wow, you're a fucking moron of the highest order. So Asians, Blacks, and Latinos had no impact on American culture? Go fuck your stupid self out of this thread….

Your own ultra-right paper points out the obvious:

I only say 'American' as a stand-in for their complete lack of ethnic identity.

People who aren't fascists? I'm sure you're trying to make the argument that people who have been getting punched lately aren't fascists but let's be honest here. Using the Oxford dictionary term for fascism is pointlessly narrow. Just because people like Milo and Richard Spencer are taking a moderated stand on

The first generation who committed to the 'Southern Strategy' knew Jim Crow was just a tool to keep their money. The 2nd generation got into bed with Jim Crow and gave rise to people like Falwell & Gingrich but they too understood it was about money. The 3rd generation is the Tea Party, they're the offspring of Jim

'White power' 'white culture' these are catch-all terms for a very particular brand of racism. This is exactly why they don't adhere to an ethnic group because they're mostly euro-mutts themselves with no real ethnic identity but whatever backwoods identity they collectively have. A good number of them are so far

Uh again, these people are frustrated by the ideological positions being taken not by the inherent color of their skin. Even if you want to debate the civil rights movement, the ideological positions were set up based upon innate traits.

Interesting…..So who is this violence being committed against? I'm pretty sure the 'it's ok to hit them' qualifier is them being a neo-nazi/fascist/regular-old Nazi. Their whiteness is a reason for their fascism but it isn't the reasoning for them getting clobbered.

Well when we talk about 'racism' we almost always mean either systemic or institutional. Systemic is where white people can walk into an interview and be less qualified, less well-kept, and less appealing but still get hired because they're white. Institutional is that collection of white people working to better

The technical field term is 'minority-on-majority racism' and it exists but in such small and pathetic interactions that it's simply not important. If a person of color gives you a scowl for being white that's a form of racism….But 99% of the 'important' racism that impacts, jobs, family life, social standing, and

AV Club is more about the casual racism, sort of country club 'I grew up in the suburbs with 3 black families and 2% of the student body' variety. I'm sure this thread is infested with those people who were the underpaid white workers to those people who resent black folks for being alive…..

The movie was heavy handed but solid. The series appears to be just as heavy handed and likely just as solid. Sadly no person who desperately needs it will ever see it and it will be pure echo chamber stuff but hey, Netflix is serving up what the good people want and I welcome the 4chan fascists to stamp their

I'm not sure how mocking his character is winning the argument. I mean, had he played a Villain it may make more sense but otherwise it's like saying 'pfft, look at this all american hero over here, WHAT DOES HE KNOW?!?!'

I believe the one in Irwin is? It's decent, I don't know about the one in Forest Hills.

Vocelli's is a so-so local chain, they were called something like Pizza Express for years then went to the family name to seem more 'authentic'. It's edible, but like Papa Johns or Little Caesar's, low end but edible.