
Fiori's on Capitol St. in Beechview
Mineo's in Squirrel Hill…
Beto's if you're being different as well as DiCarlo's.

Probably closer to porkchops… :S

I both chortled and appreciated it…I'm with Apples on this.

I'm not a huge Tune-Yards fan, Merrill is coming out of left field so bad that it's hard to appreciate her except as a dissonant voice in a field of them. But Real Thing hits me harder than My Country even though it's more personal….It's kind of the follow up personal anthem unto which we probably should be living

This is probably the strongest line in Real Thing and gets me in the chops every time….

Apparently they've changed it a few times. The original original recipe is still made by a seasoning company in 25 oz bags of mix (add your own flour). Which makes me wonder who are they selling it to? Obviously they have restaurant clientele but everything else is packaged in reasonable 'not feeding an army of

Can you confirm or deny the use of pressure cooker fryers in Japanese KFCs? That's the secret to their oil-forced-back-into-the-meat goodness….

So, my literal first thought watching that video was 'do they not use pressure cooker fryers in Asian KFCs?' Followed by 'meh, it's not really that different than Chicken Parm.' Finally to 'Does that make me a sick person for not really wanting to eat it but not finding it offensive by American standards?'

Tapper is such a weird character. He's a historically milquetoast journalist, he is also a very traditional center-left Democrat, having been the Press Sec for a House Rep outside of Philly who beat out a Republican only to lose that same district back to him. It's not exactly the stuff of legend but Tapper sort of

I have this discussion with my students of how being 32, I am teaching 18-22 (and upwards of 26 this year). So I grew up in a world of Bill Clinton and PCs that existed only in schools. They grew up in a world of Barack Obama and smartphones being in their hands by 10 or 11. That 10 year gap is mindblowing in what

Nice retort, now totter off you slow witted gibbon of a poster…..Good lord, it's worse when they think because they can baffle you with their BS that they're winning….

No, I just don't like talking with morons. I skimmed your pseudo-intellectual tripe. When you mentioned Reagan and reducing taxes while increasing the debt faster than Obama based on inflation I stopped caring. Fight a losing battle with somebody interested to listen to your idiotic take.

Sorry, the laffer curve may be true by simply virtue of it being a 'truism' but since it lacks a hard point of data most who have attempted to calculate it put the top of it, somewhere north of 60% taxation. So we're definitely some 20+ points away from it, more than enough to close the gap with ease while only

They've been grinding the horror/slasher genre into the ground in the last 10 years, it's time to put it in cold storage for a few years, let the palate cleanse and then go back in. It felt like 3-4 times a year we were getting the same principle film in either the Rings/Grudge style or something verging on a more

Really? Typo-laden? Come on, this is just shit trolling at it's worst.

Ignorance will be mocked. Live with it, snowflake.

Don't worry, we're all laughing at your pretentious attitude because you cut back your argument with facts, you twit…

Sorry, you were confusing the metaphor for 'empathy' and 'humanity' for heart. Your really not making a case either way….Thanks for trying again.

Yeah…..Ok, you sure 'hate breitbart' yet agree with them so much…*sigh*

I have a super soft spot for Amazing Grace and I was already sold….Please don't suck, kthx?