
Then leave their broken strawmen where they belong.

Back when right-wingers were good at organizing big enough boycotts and the executives themselves were staunch rock-ribbed conservatives it worked. Today half the executive board is socially liberal and a quarter economically. The Falwell advantage has fallen apart as the other side got better at boycotting and

Strawman? Oh well….you're some breitbart turd looking to feel special….

Look at Bush's approval ratings, now go look at Trump. They're playing the averages, smartly so as well….But there is a sort of 'general human decency' the right is lacking publicly (they lacked it back in the Reagan era onward but were capable of sustaining the appearance).

Your description kind of makes BMW and Alfa sound more and more like Buicks….I mean, they're not top-flight luxury models but certainly aren't the price leaders….Interesting contextual review.

Hasn't this been beat to death yet? Marvel does superhero soaps, DC does rogue's gallery of essentially serial procedural. The best moments of DC is batman solving a crime or Superman resolving how super-punching doesn't fix everything. That's the strength of their make up so making an ultra-coherent forced

*pats* you do that champ, run along now! :)

Yes because a national sales tax makes sense in a borderless society….*dies a little inside*

To be fair, your phone would still cost $600, even substantially higher labor costs across the board wouldn't make it 10X more expensive, it would just eat into what is closer to a 60% profit margin. To maintain similar per unit value you would have to price it closer to 800 and even that assumes vast labor costs

I saw this argument before, where people on the right were shouting 'but Trump said he wanted a big door for good immigrants to come through!'

You were the one who played the 'I have something witty but no, you said something mean so my comeback isn't valid' move. You either put up or shut up. If you have a contrary view, I am HAPPY to hear it out and may go into detail about it. Shrugging it off as if you're too cool for school when your ego is more

*sage nod* I'm sure it would have been lovely. :)

Yeah, that was partially my point, when I saw the ad pop up in my news feed as trending I was prepared for it being a very pro-wall ad, probably promoting it as an 'american thing to do' but I suspect the owner is largely been displaced by his daughter (wikipedia is my friend in this case…). They also largely owned

Do I have to? You do realize the rest of us who aren't obsessed with the Brady-Goddell thing just don't care or think he's too much in Kraft's pocket and then his turn around offended his one supporter in the front office. No commissioner is without the shadow of the owners over him. The problem is when one owner

Well, I think it started with Apple's '1984' ad but really, it's a singular focus event, I don't know what else you can do to grab attention when that many eyeballs are in one place. I see your point but it's an arms race and nobody wants to be France.

Somehow Alabama out-stupids Mississippi by asking who Fredrick Douglass is but Mississippi roars back with a white trash right-hook of 3 doors down….

Boston fans, nothing but class!

Care to elaborate or is it merely a standard 'almost all Superbowl ads focus on flash or overt humor and fail on both' that anybody with an ounce of understand gets?

Some of them were clearly rotoscoped & airbrushed others were horrific CGI…the latter were truly terrifying…Demonic Magic Johnson needed to stop talking >.<

But conceding any ground on immigration now is going to be taken as a racial plea (especially the acknowledgement of white immigration) because it is a racial plea….So they're caught betwixt and between. This is what happens when you base your movement on morally reprehensible dog whistles….