
84 Lumber played probably the most risky with their ad. They out and out had to change their ad at the last minute after Fox refused to approve the original and frankly it played right into the hands of 84 Lumber. Really, I grew up near 84 in Pittsburgh, they were and are a mid-sized semi-national lumberyard. They

Doxing - search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.

You're calling me old when you claimed you were 50? I'm 18 years your junior according to your claim..

1.) Sorry we just ignore all the street fair photos?

1,) There are consequences to going to see a white nationalist speak out on white nationalism. Nobody is stopping you from watching it on Youtube but if you want to publicly associate we have a right as a society to publicly shame you.

Wait, am I a meddler or a coward? Who's the one protesting here? :)

Lawl. You don't even troll well. Go back to High school, kid….Adults have things to do.

I teach in New Orleans, ending with this semester I'll be teaching back in Pennsylvania….You wouldn't be trying to DOX me now would you?

1.) Private Citizens are people who didn't engage in a public event for the discussion of this piece. So posting the workers at a women's clinic for abortion is doxxing.

Nope. Doxxing is seeking out individuals for the sake of posting public info on with an intended ideological purpose. Generally, when somebody is IDed from a photo and then has personal info posted that's frowned upon but is NOT the definition of doxxing. Doxxing is picking a private citizen with intent to cause

Do you get the very article you cited basically disagrees with the relevant points being made….but yeah, go for it. Keep spamming the people who know Milo is a pathetic little loser and somehow if you wish hard enough he'll become a real boy…

Again, doxxing an innocent bystandard is not OK. Posting pictures of all those people to public forums so people may choose to ID them? Totally up to them to deal with. It's a public space, stop feeding into a strawman argument.

You do realize you can post a person's picture and establish that they went to this event knowing full well what it was about and then leave it at that.

I'm not sure what your argument is? I'm pretty sure atleast all three of those actually happened and only maybe the middle one got any protest at all…

Again, I would love to see these groups of rich liberals who mock people for liking completely sappy hallmark movies. I'm pretty sure the A.V.Club isn't the definitive group of 'rich liberals' you're trying to picture when they take a swipe at schmaltz.

Anecdotal evidence does not make for a broad picture nor does the description of non-mind meds.

That's the only outcome I imagine where Milo doesn't win by just being a massive asshole unless Maher edits him like a porno for mormons….

Here goes the basic argument: People fucking hate Milo Y. Universities aren't inviting him but Young Republicans and groups that are sympathetic to his white nationalist views. Students who oppose him have been openly vehement about not wanting to give credence to fascism on their campus.

What is there to be afraid of? He's a two-bit asshole with nothing but empty statements. He's the equivalent of that freshman who reads Rand one day and decides he's John Galt but replace Rand with Mein Kampf and John Galt with sadist and imbecile.

I think the argument of ideological 'punch up/down' is too easy to fit into stereotypes. I mean the difference between the right hating on college professors for studying things they don't value is more accurate than rich liberals mocking people in the rural areas of America for not appreciating Hamilton. I'm sure