
Wow, Rich Little and Dennis Miller….that'll get the kids excited!

This is such a crass remark and i'm going to ask where your deeper understanding of pharmacology comes from? While it's probably an a heart condition that pushed the limit of what the drugs could do.

Just imagine all those 'conservative comedians' who can't book a gig above open mic night at the chuckle hut clamoring for that role. The association has to put on the show, it's their 'in' with the president and the WH in general. But good lord, this is pathetic…

There are two things Germans don't play around with: Sausage and Fascists.

For a good actor who got shafted because more or less he was a black guy when they were still only casting them as pimps or dealers I feel for him. He would have made an excellent two-face, something that Tommy Lee Jones didn't do and Aaron Eckhart was good but not great…

Hah! I was at this parade and frankly it's awesome. It's very personal, people made all kinds of homemade trinkets and everybody is having a good time. I have to say it was one of the pleasures so my years down here.

The problem is that his repeal of Dodd-Frank isn't going away. Oh sure, we're not discussing it in detail on every news outlet but watch once the state and local elections hit, you're going to watch these things get brought up, Trump is presenting his flanks for all kinds of attacks and if they don't work….well we

I don't know, you're the one spending the last what appears to be week or two posting non-stop on any trump related article here with your sockpuppet account.

R&M have a hard time finding any emotional center. Everytime Rick concedes he isn't a total self-centered douchebag he rounds it out with more denials and something offensive. Bojack is just a 3 season long gut-punch. I'm not tired of it yet but there has to be a turn, an upswing for that show to have the gravitas

It's the transition of politics that informed us far more than anything else in this list. In the 1980's the Democrats were beginning to suffer more and more breakdown from their civil rights position in the south, Reagan won the election and Republican social conservatism dominated the decade and the networks

I'm laughing at the fact that you're seriously trying to troll the A.V. Club with your pathetic right-wing BS. Talk about pathetic…

It as 63 million, notice how you're using HRC's number because it's bigger…Just pointing it out. Cause you know, you won a marginal victory in 3 rust belt states with 80K. If black votes turnout at 2% greater or even urban centers turn out at 1% greater, you lose the election. Your argument hinges on keeping about

*watches the point zoom over the head of the idiotic strawman built*

I like how CNN is the new 'left wing lie machine' these people use….CNN is so god awful centrist to center-right on issues it's laughable.

Lets be honest here, South Park didn't give rise to the white power movement but certainly played into the hands of it by essentially setting up easy strawmen and portraying what can only be conveniently called 'white privilege' to the hilt in their own political identity. They're the definitive socially moderate (to

You know how you just leave well enough alone sometimes? Tarantino does that. Not on exposition or dialogue in general…but he knows when to not go back to that well. If there was ever going to be a Pulp Fiction II it needed to happen in the ten years following it. Now we're so far away I would rather see a sequel

Evil Dead II is more or less a rewrite of Evil Dead with a budget and marginally less tree rape…

Probably not but I think his follow ups have been good unto great. I've yet to see The Hateful Eight just due to time….but he doesn't have a clunker as far as I'm concerned. Death Proof is underrated in my book as well….

So for the sake of the pointless argument on the internet as required by law…what's your problem with the original? It's arguably within the top-100 greatest films ever made and certainly a top-10 for the decade. What's your gripe?

Looks like a decent line up, Logan, XX, Ghost in the Shell….all worth seeing. A few more jumped out but the list is so long I'm not interested in going back up and dissecting it again. War on Everyone & Free Fire look like they're either going to turn into cult classics or burn up in their own attempt at it….