
I don't think Rodriguez is a fundamentally bad film maker but everything you cited pretty much holds true. He has an obsession with 'doing it cheap, like they used to!' and it just never works. Tarantino can work on a budget that's a fraction of what others do and make a film that looks three times the price and ten

True but it's usually geographic territory that dictates fan base or in the Steelers case, a huge diaspora of steel workers and their families that left right after they were great.

3 Hours to Tampa - 200 Miles
5 Hours to Miami - 350 Miles
8 Hours to New Orleans - 550 Miles
5.5 Hours to Charlotte - 380 Miles

You know any competent employee had their friends come in and buy them all. We're not likely to see them become widely available until Nintendo releases the SNES Classic…..

Used physical copies are DIRT CHEAP vs. Steam/PS Store/Xbox Store's marketing model. Pretty much GS and the others exist to sell you a 6 month old copy of AAA title for $20-30 vs. $40-50 on the download stores.

I routinely teach MPAs (the public sector equivalent) and it makes me realize how incompetent the world is at large. I am forced to teach them things any competent researcher should know and yet they seem confounded by it. MBAs are even worse, like the public sector has to learn about functional customer service and

Any business model that hinges on keeping new products in stock that has a 5-10% margin and an used product that has a 50-70% margin, you're likely to either fail OR become a monster. Gamestop chose the latter. It's why I try to buy everything digitally anymore, I don't necessarily like giving Sony & Steam the cut

He seems like the kind of guy who's perfectly normal and pleasant till you touch one of his crazy buttons. As long as you stay away from the topic of women, islam, and generally anything that would set off a right-wing retrograde loon, you'll be ok.

Frank Miller is every JEH character….It's as if women-hating became self-aware and figured out how to get a job in comic books.

There is functionally room for only one sports league per sport in the US. Whether it's competition, television coverage, or geographic region issues but there is a reason why the AFL & NFL merged. The XFL had bush league talent, played in smaller cities or cities that just didn't give a damn about them, and was

It's hard to tell where Miller's awful writing and misogyny ends and Rodriguez's awful filmmaking bad habits begin. It makes you question the quality of the original one as this one so badly goes off the rails but then you realize that the original one is pieced together from a few different sources within the series

I'm genuinely surprised that Disney doesn't own an NFL team but then I remember they own ABC & ESPN, so they're likely contractually limited and with there being few other power brokers in Orlando, it's likely a lack of solid money to make an effort, plus Tampa is an hour away, Miami 2-2.5 hours, it's hard to justify

But that's all he is and all he'll ever be. It's not that his business acumen is in question it's the fact that he managed to foist himself to the top by being an underhanded scumbag on multiple levels it's that nobody is going to respect you when you make man-soaps. It just isn't going to happen and now that he is

His decision on Hobby Lobby is pretty much reason to deny him entrance to the elite circle.

The boy was classic 'too young to be really likable reading the script' but his sister, I thought she was awesome. They both did alright, I mean, Dr. Grant in the book is a totally different character so his relationship to the kids vs. Sam's is wildly different.

You know that 'Space Jam' article? Yeah, we can go ahead and rewrite it to discuss how people love Jurassic Park even though it's probably one of the weaker 90's blockbusters in terms of writing and quality. If it wasn't for the fact that it had tremendous practical effects and minimal CGI, it really wouldn't have

Some people love who they are and simply want their exterior to match their interior….some people feel the name is attached to that exterior.

That sounds aggressive and almost undrinkable but also really savory. Like if you love a mean foccacia bread or just really potent smoked meats….

So in other words: You reserve the right to lie like a rug and act like an imbecile while simultaneously trying to claim you're not?

Interesting….Haven't seen that retcon of a retcon.