
That's an awesome yet totally corny song…

I actually liked Ray Stevens novelty songs which were mostly from the late 1970s and into the 1980's but Ray Stevens today is a far-right loon who writes pretty much the worst hackneyed political humor the right can manage, not that they could manage much. I won't like, The Streak is cornball, most of his stuff is

She did. In fact they reconned their whole relationship with a 90's episode where Homer essentially had a Boyz II Men style R&B group that turned into Nirvana. It's a pretty good post-golden era Simpsons episode that doesn't get a tremendous amount of love but they have noted it once or twice since.

You win the 'best troll' award, seriously.

Says the conservative who comes here with no sense of humor and can't explain what 'fascism' means and why it is inherently against left-wing ideologies….

Pretty much. Acknowledging it simply reinforces the already negative narrative emerging….

That's more Trump, Spicer is Smithers, stuck trying to be a good soldier for an unrepentant soul.

Interesting. The problem is getting their navy close enough to our navy but not so close as to let them scramble jets or countermeasures.

Yeah, exactly. Duck & Cover is a standard practice for tornadoes & earthquakes simply because falling debris is far more likely to kill you than the actual action itself.

. . .I would like to see where the US Navy would get hit by these cruise missiles that Russia would be capable of aiming and accurately hitting using 1980's tech.

Yes, 'anti-government' and 'white supremacist' don't inherently overlap. Except that almost every 'anti-government' group is also a white supremacist group. 3%ers and militia groups are exclusively white for a reason.

Does anybody remember in the 1990s when Nic Cage was considered to be verging on the next DeNiro or Pacino? Debt and lots of booze makes for some sad choices…

To be fair, the whole 'nuclear wasteland surivalist' is bull. Most people would still be organized along with the Navy being still active and most of the military residing in remote and rural areas. So even if the major government centers were destroyed we would still have military power along with local officials

No,if anything I expect a retrograde movement on rights for a few years. Unlike say Bush II who came in on a demographic advantage and used small wars to keep himself in office Trump simply doesn't have those options. He won narrow victories in rural areas, his Republicans under performed for what should have been a

I had a wonderful disaster management course in grad school as a bonus since it was part of the Public Admin program. They mostly focused on common occurrences, floods, earthquakes, mudslides, forest fires, and the like. They brought in a NRC guy to give a lecture on realistic nuclear bomb detonation in a major US

Functionally illiterate is technically a step down from his position. I totally agree he's illiterate but he's still functional, his literacy does allow him to read street signs and basic information, I doubt he needs somebody to read for him in a restaurant.

Eh, I'm really not as much for the Japanese Samurai genre as I do westerns. Also, in a lot of ways AFoD & LMS take the premise of Yojimbo and change up some of the aspects. It's like Yojimbo is a genre unto itself with the various remakes and while Yojimbo is Yojimbo, it's not always the best.

12 days….too stupid to make a competent argument. Necroposting the shit of this for what reason?

Here goes a basic and well understood phenomenon. These articles aren't going to draw out anything but the most diehard slayer fans. They'll defend the post, maybe because they love Slayer, maybe because they love Trump. But since it paints Slayer in not a subjective on their music bad light but a pretty

DC atleast has a decent list of 2nd and 3rd row heroes. I felt like Suicide Squad was both ill-conceived and timed. That's a movie you put out 15 movies in, not your 3rd.