
This is probably more accurate than not. Every film so far has turned a tidy profit. No it isn't 'marvel money' but at the end of the day those fights are for fanboys. DC is always seeking a way to improve return but until they have to take a 200 Million write-off/down they're going to keep running with Snyder and

I would watch that film.

Germany is holding strong…..Our last great hope….

Reading it you can tell Ackroyd never let his candle for her go out. I can respect and admire that, he move on, married, she went through a divorce and lived on….But could you imagine if she stuck with Ackroyd and how their mental illnesses would have either propped them up or torn them apart? I want to believe the

The beer market is such an interesting example of ultra-late capitalism devolving into creepy inbreeding. Sure micro-brews and some smaller groups are starting to punch above their weight but they're all still sitting under 20% total market share. There is more Bud Light made in this country than all the

I'll sand you! *glares and goes back to sanding*

Oh yeah? Well did you know that a the guy in the Black mask and outfit name is really DARTH Vader…..Cause you know….*dies a bit inside*

Yes, and above there were dozens. I'm not sure why I'm debating this either? I've been sitting here all afternoon sanding a table top to relieve my anger at the world. (Screw stereotypical gendered hobbies!).

*goes from smiling positively to frowning*

I've always felt a bit like MTM, she was spunky when being spunky was still not something women were known for. She was a trailblazer right along side Lucille Ball. It's a shame to see her go but 80….that's normal.

I saw it a few days ago, I think I sat through the first 2-3 minutes of it. It's awful but then I realized it was a DC review where pundits make fun of themselves and others so it was meant to be awful but it was a whole new level of awful.

Um, no. I know of nobody who confused the equatorial trench which is CLEARLY where they tractor beam the Millennium Falcon and have massive fighter bays for the less obvious trench running to the exhaust port on the northern hemisphere.

>.> Wah?

So it's the 4th generation furby that as a normal debug mode accessible via bluetooth? Interesting. It's not really a mistake so much as a 'behind the scenes' aspect of what a toy for a young to adolescent child can do.

Yeah, this is where I stop feeding the trolls. :) Have fun picking another ludicrous argument with people willing to play your inane games. Your link focuses on talent….again….so goodbye. :)

So your argument is because I can't name a bunch of no-name executives who quietly donate to the RNC I'm wrong? Again, you obviously don't understand how movies are financed but again, talent vs. money. Producers aren't money, they're talent.

David Zucker, Michael Bay, Jeffrey Bruckheimer, the power structure is pretty clearly to the right still, never mind that the money men, people with cash to invest tend to be to the right. So yes, cherry pick your executives. The exception merely proves the rule. :)

A few producers. The reason you can't name them is simply because they aren't famous. The heads of each of the studios, their ownership structures, the people who make the money decisions have routinely and outwardly donated to conservatives.

Boomers who were too young to afford the original club and didn't want to go to the sleaze it became in the 70s and 80s can now relive their older brother's youth by sleazing on their grandchildren's friends.

The actors are extremely liberal (for the most part) EVERYBODY ELSE above them is ultra-conservative for the most part. All the money men and power players are conservatives. So pretty much everything you said is wildly inaccurate when you review basic facts of reality.