
Last Man Standing is criminally underrated as a Willis movie. It takes A Fistful of Dollars and Yojimbo which is to say….it's the same film done for a 3rd time but it's a good enough story that it plays well. I could watch all 3 of them and while I obviously rate A Fistful of Dollars best it's not a slouch.

This feels like a movie that belonged in the 1970s and even Weaver's awkward 'evil dyke' trope is so wildly out of place today it feels insane. It looks interesting in that it's probably gritty and I'm a sucker for that bad 1970's action films but…..yeah, 2017 and we're doing weird forced transsexual stories that do

In other words: You're a white supremacist or nationalist (the difference is minor really, pretty much a square/rectangle issue).

Almost a come back, top bad you're a bad troll.

I don't care to have this debate. When you can muster a coherent argument about 'center-right' on economics you let me know. Otherwise I just don't care to disabuse you of your wrong an unfounded notion.

He checked all the boxes of 'not sucking' and a few of the 'good to great presidents' but we've only had 13 modern presidents (Trump is just now serving, so he would be 14). FDR and beyond really saw a significant change in post the power of the president but how he functions in the position. Given that list, he's

Generally due to age restrictions and consistency they choose short kids to play younger kids so you end up with shorter men who tend to fall out of Hollywood. It's why the rare case of McCauley Caulkin being a tall withering hobo is both amazing and yet some how more depressing.

Every Democratic president since the ending of the solid south has had to grapple with the reality of appeasing a widely understood to be racist base of self-loathing people who simultaneously hate government but embrace the corruption of the politicians because they appease the racial and social fears they deal with.

>.> Just how tongue in cheek is this?

Nah, I'm with you. CAH is basically a 'lets be white liberal college kids and say things we're not supposed to say for hilarity.'

It's hinted at in Rey's vision. I think we're going to see an extension of it since this is a late EU story line with the oldest son of the Solo-Organa couple going to the Sith. They've eliminated the other kids it appears but they cribbed what is practically the WORST of the storylines and rewrote it to suit their

What are you even talking about? IT IS AN ANALOGY. Good lord.

It's pretty clear from Episode VII that he restarted the academy, had Leia and Han's son come in, end up being a total jerk and went all Sith that killed the rest of the academy except for Rey.

That was the point….He's the 'last' for the moment. He'll train Rey, restart the academy and start over again. They're going to end up with a ton of Jedi over the next few episodes but this is a 'dark before the dawn' film.

Yes, you went the trump route, you made an argument, didn't back down when somebody said it was subjective and explained why it was subjective but used an attack on a class of people to prove your validity.

I get that Luke is 'The Last Jedi' but really? We know that Obi-Wan plus atleast 2-3 dozen at a MINIMUM lived out of a thousands of Jedi.

Because you know, the Klan has been supporting civil liberties for all Americans for the last 50+ years…..

50 years of stink eye and constant reminders what a failure of a human being his dad, his half-sister and her husband, and his two-half brothers are. Plus the reminder his mother was a nude model and generally viewed as a joke will be plenty. Sadly he won't be treated quite the same as you describe but he assuredly

Much as I hate Trump his child at the age of 10 simply isn't a target. Republicans spent 8 years attacking the Obama kids whenever they could because they're savages. But come on, you got 3 adult children to openly mock and another one who is smart enough to avoid the limelight (or is hated by her dad enough that we