
Everybody got a pet peeve, only Spicer is stupid enough to make his public and then continue to somehow be the press secretary for both a major Political Party and then an US president. It's as if the comedy of errors can only grow…


1.) It's obviously subjective since the term itself is subjective nevermind that it fails the causation. If correlation mattered here you would have an argument but just because Kissenger did things you had a distaste for his PhD isn't invalid or less insightful.

Analogy. Look up the concept.

Wow, so you're going to try this argument….

Anarchists aren't a relevant discussion point for 99% of political scientists outside of a narrow band of political theory that deals in these rare groups. It's clearly an issue with comparativists that they may deal with it. I'm an americanist. It's simply NOT on my radar.

1.) Reading it quickly, I didn't realize that some internet term for anarchists or a self-described term is such as that. My own political writings normally refer to the black voting bloc. Black bloc means something different in the academic political world, sorry internet savvy guy, we don't all live on political

You realize the parents of Millennials pushed those, you know, YOUR generation. But hey, keep doubling down on it….

Between your first comment and the second, I really don't get where your issue is. I mistook the first comment for something else and you flew off in a tangent, second one is me missing the follow up joke.

Do you have a rank asshole problem or did you actually gain friends and influence enemies by just being as unbearable as humanly possible?

*eyes up initial line, forces self to read into the wall of text, stops giving a shit to bother with a dupe after another poster corrected my mistake*

Then why even write a comment like that? The hand wringing is old as dirt, I'm tired of it on all levels. You're right, he's one white nationalist leader and the guy who punched him is a singular actor. So unless you mean that guy who punched him lost the high ground, I'm failing to see where the whole argument is

Ah! Never heard the term. Well, anarchists in general are just usually looking to cause chaos for their own ends. American anarchists are a joke. Not that Europeans are much more organized but in America in particular….Blah.

Her whole youtube account is just a nice collection….Genesis is a little off but is a nice one as well…

I think he had to come in high to clear all the media around him. I would have loved for a sweet 'Falcon Punch' that would have obliterated Spencer's jaw. Let him talk with a mouth full of marbles that was his teeth.

Moral high ground didn't mean much to the 14 Million Jews + 1-3 million miscellaneous groups that died during the war years to Nazis. Moral fucking high ground doesn't mean much if you let them win in the first place.

Yes, because we always have to wait for people who make threats about murder to wait until they're sticking the knife in their victim….

So you're saying Brian Cranston is the one who punches?

'black bloc' as in majority black voters? The Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, huge swathes of the post-New Deal liberalism, Great Society, and everything Obama did would like to have a word with your wildly inaccurate assertion.

For those of you hand wringing that people are suddenly advocating violence as a logical discourse: Uh, nope. He's a nazi and a random guy punched him. It isn't bedlam in the streets, there is no sudden change in ideological discourse and path to discussion.