
Fail at attacking millennials cause you're being a jackass about it.

Everyday I'm with you on the Communism and socialism issue…..Kids are better at the socialism thing but so many of them used the cliche of 'Communism failed in practice' arguments. Blah.

Pretty much, I don't think Genji is sexist but he's been trained by society that he can argue a point till he's blue in the face without repercussions. But of course….it's sometimes just a fight because he thinks women aren't doing it right. God knows….

1.) Subjective.
2.) Normative and ad hominem. Engineers make mistakes. Doctors are forced to carry malpractice insurance because they kill people with their's. Astrophysics sounds cool, mostly theoretical math, about as unproven as you're going to get. You want to debate hard sciences vs. social sciences, be my

I get Genji wants to maximize his film degree and just fight tooth and nail about it but it's like anything else, if Carrie Fisher were still alive she wouldn't be a symbol like this. She just happened to have died, was recognized as a solidly feminist actress and examining her career shows her as a 'no nonsense'

No, actually to 'literally compare' would mean that they were the exact same, I made an ironic example representing why your argument against millennials is just dumb and frankly it smacks of agism to such an aggressive extent. Congrats Gen X'er, you're officially an old fossil. :D


I hear we're going to start recognizing this Abe Lincoln guy in our next blog post after I finish these Kale chips…..

. . .Are you seriously going to try throw 'millennial' and make it stick when this is an understood aspect of psychology and sociology? We tend to reinforce attributes we prefer and ignore attributes we don't. Within her context in the moment in the 1970s she was playing to the damsel role but again, people look

I was completely prepared for it to be a vanilla cake instead of Chocolate as the twist…..Cause you know, we live in the Twilight zone now.

Fisher was outspoken in later years about her mental illness and feminism. It's easily researched. Google it if you need to be contrarian but don't pull a Splicer, come on…

No, it seems at this point you're nitpicking a character who after it was made was recognized in a different light. I think in many ways she's the perfect symbol. Star Wars is wildly popular, she's an unblemished fictional character and at best she's an interesting side-icon. She isn't defining the movement but

Episode IV - She after being freed leads the escape effort, forces them to Yavin 4 and assumes a large and significant role in the rebel alliance after Mon Martha who is the leader (another woman) helps her.

Made a troll account, put in picture, just to leave a weak troll comment….Come on, Russia, you're slacking.

This is why the term 'fiscal conservatism' is worthless. If we're going to say it means 'not wasting money' we mind as well leave it at that. Fiscal conservatism has a very clear and defined definition and is generally owned by the Republican Party and conservative movement.

The man who flew into the IRS building, the growing presence of the KKK, and increasing anti-government 'ruby ridge' style militia types are more likely to kill you over ISIS. Now the irony is that they're likely to cash with police before the average citizen but they kill FAR more Americans than any foreign fighter.

having a degree doesn't necessarily make you smart, it makes you lucky.

Actually, I spent 3 years in a mechanical engineering program, burned out on wanting to spend my career testing with little actual development likely and switched. I've passed Chemistry I & II, Physics I-IV, and completed up to Calculus II in math since really, I don't use much beyond Trig in my field, some limited

I hold a BA in US History, an MA & MS in US History & Political Science, and a PhD in political science. I simply outrank you in terms of education.

Aww….so you became a lawyer and got an MBA so you're a shitty manager who couldn't cut in a law firm or a shitty lawyer who left to go into business?