
Yes and yes.

'90% of teachers are female'

It's just the placement. I use F Keys once in a while and practically NEVER on a laptop. If they moved them to outside edge, running along the left and right side (for the ambidextrous sets) it would be better served to atleast provide some realistic functionality. Where it's at now, you mind as well have just kept

Emilia Clarke would disagree….

I saw the first commercial for it yesterday and I was basically looking at the same post-2000s take on late 1940s/50s hollywood that seems to be more glamour and mirage than reality. I get that as history progresses we lose more and more of everyday life but I would prefer they stop making these kinds of period

Hoffman's choice to keep Capote drawl the entire time really hurts the fact that in the scene choice of real Capote was much more jovial and pleasant….I get that to maintain it it has to be drawl…but it isn't something I can agree with as 'perfect' beyond the clear duplication it loses some identity.

SNOF already beat me to it but they're shaving out about a full 90 seconds of actual showtime between gags, tags, and loss to commercials. Sometimes the couch gags can take over a full minute, so what was already short is even shorter.

He's supplanted Moe as the new go to schmo of the series. If they could develop a new setup where instead of Luann and him in some detente but instead either back together or full on dead it would be a better situation.

The couch gag was all wrong, it wasn't interesting and the fact that it broke into the historical only-a-few-episodes-ever-changed intro it was just unfunny. On a separate note: Growing up my local affiliate took a different trimmed down version to air for all repeats so growing up I never realized the much longer

As a general rule I avoid earthy flavors, I ironically don't have an issue with cilantro though (no soap gene). Saisons are interesting but they're by design hit-or-miss which makes me shy away from them. They tend to be a bit too 'earthy' and horse blanket can be accurate for some I've tried….

I've been busy all week with semester wrap up before break & then finals for the students so I just sat down and watched it tonight. It's a good episode, it feels forced but it's not particularly aggressive in how they present Andy. Almost all of the actual tension from Andy is in his small-C conservatism about his

The complete lack of aging on Lana Winters was annoying. Winters would have been in her 80s and Paulson barely looks like she's in her 30s. She does the croaking to imply age but it makes me wonder if they asked her to do latex and she complained or just didn't even know what they were doing till it was too late to

Gonna go down this road further, shall I give you some more tinfoil?

Yes, we all knew he was guilty. 5 minutes of reviewing the case was clear he was committing fraud. The problem is he is already president-elect, his followers don't care, and the Republican congress isn't really interested in impeaching him until he takes the heat for their bad behavior OR burns enough bridges that

To be blunt: Unless the RICO charges were maintained this was a non-story. Everybody knew he was a con artist, even his followers. We're in a post-truth society now, facts don't matter, just as long as 'feel' about it some way you can just ignore the argument…

They were aging whites, they have the privilege of ignoring the bigotry since it wouldn't impact them. It's the reason why we need to push back so much harder now.

The same place we all are: Read the exit polls, look at the longer surveys from gallup. Pretty much the reflection of his cultural attitudes. It's not hard to realize that he won those 3 rust belt states by barely getting those older lost factory workers to go with him but then a huge portion of his base went for

I want to point out this: There are a few points of Trump voters who did actually vote believing he was somehow going to bring back factory jobs. Now those few points of voters are fine and good people.

Because a trump supporter is going to deface their own neighborhood?

Bannon is just like Breitbart & the rest of his alt-right followers. He revels in playing the black hat and knows how to sell himself to the other grey hats that really wouldn't go along with his most vile plans but are ok enough to let him do it on his own.