
No, he's pointing out that overselling themselves on 'evil' was the failing of liberals. That in the end, he's a more mundane and earthly evil, something you can grasp and beat down but really….

I remember Tecmo Bowl vividly, I don't think I've ever played Super Tecmo Bowl. I just remember my male cousins who would drag me into playing Tecmo Bowl with them since they knew I loved my NES and beating the pants off them once I figured out the 'spin'.

If you follow Burnie he's pretty clear that YT didn't make them. RvB existed before YouTube and while Achievement Hunter thrived due to YT it didn't make Rooster teeth. I think if anything, RT stands out as the anti-YT vlog/personality movement. I only started following them several years after they started and

Blowing up on fans over Napster is what killed their general respect. They arguably peaked in the early 90s and that's normal, most bands have only 3-4 Great albums in them in the most amazing sense. But they earned a ton of ire when they made a big show of being stupidly wealthy and then getting angry that their

So for the serious metal enthusiasts out there: Does Metallica play heavy metal? They've always been on the cusp of a hard rock outfit and maybe that's because I treat bands with that cookie monster vocal as 'definitive modern metal'…..

Good for him, now can he go take his money, leave politics, journalism, and ideally this planet?

True. As for 'not watching it' isn't a genuine answer. Just because the algorithm is broken doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to change my habits since the people I enjoy watching that are small do it mostly for the passion and enjoyment of the affair.

The Potter fandom is deep and creepy at times, there is no real threat of it being an 'underrated' franchise any time soon. I never read the books but I did watch all the films and they're easily re-watchable. The problem is that unless you're a serious HP fan there isn't much reason to revisit them. They tell a

YT Stars are people who built themselves up on the platform with little to no outside experience is the general rule of thumb. If you're a circuit worker or a writer's room vet and you found stardom on YT, you are not defined by the platform, you just found an outlet.

I have YT red, the 'original programming' is clearly geared towards people who don't really have the power of the purse (read; It's mainly aimed at Teens from what I'm getting…).

The problem with any theater program as I understand it is that it pretty much gets you nowhere in hollywood. It helps set you up for work in off-broadway stuff and gets you trained in skills but it doesn't really 'open doors' so CMU is really about the networking with the power players.

I really fell in love with YT after I went into a deep depression after my spouse passed and I needed something to listen to while I wrote in grad school. The friendliness of the platform made it easy listening, especially to Lets Plays and video podcasts. I fell into the RoosterTeeth & Game Grumps orbit though

Point Park, for the acting kids who couldn't afford CMU but were too trendy to go to Cal U, Edinboro, Slippery Rock, IUP, or Pitt…..

Crank definitely is what something like Officer Downe is playing in. It's more over the top but it appears they're doing set location shooting and trying to be above that truly Direct-to-DVD aesthetic.

Troma Films - 1970s-Present
Crank - 2006
Grindhouse - 2007

The only issue Robocop 2 suffers from is the cliche superhero 3-act formula. By introducing a stupid dilemma to make him ineffective just so he can come back and be effective undermines what made him interesting in the first movie. But it is by no means a bad film, it's easily one of the best films in the genre from

Alcohol related deaths are not a solid way to report alcoholism. In fact, your map is claiming the WHO 2014 survey but I can't get a link. Assuming we all measure alcohol deaths the same (i.e. death due to intoxication or clear poisoning/liver cirrhosis) that number isn't really going to tell the tale. Not that I

According to the map we would at best be 5th and these rely on reported treatment, given our lack of treatment vs. welfare states that have fully socialized medicine our number tends to fall so it's hard to tell who is ahead.

Damn it! I will forever confuse east and west and I'm a grown damn woman with a PhD…..This is pathetic. V_V

So Ohio? Maybe Kentucky? Mennonites are pretty scarce around Western PA, we mostly have the traditional Amish and then thankfully in the heartland of PGH we're safely all Eastern & Southern Euros with a healthy dose of plucky Black Diaspora to make our food both carb & pig rich.