
I said it was for terrible people…

Winos are the saddest. I mean, we have a cliche/meme for alcoholic mothers in this country….

I never liked beer, just never could get into it. My mom liked beer more than my dad and every so often they would get a pitcher of beer at Pizza Hut or grab a brew at a pizza place (Western PA is not dry but serving alcohol without a bar attached was rare). So every time I tried beer I found the complete lack of

Less calories, in theory you're only losing a marginal amount of alcohol so you can get blitzed without consuming a vastly higher amount. Really, Light Beer is a combination of American dietary issues (fear of weight gain) and our habitual abuse of alcohol. We have the highest alcoholism rate in the first world by a

Meh, growing up in Pittsburgh Yuengling had no place until Iron City finally was bought out completely and displaced.

The regular beers from the Big 3 (or conglomo-2.25? Who's so complicated I can't figure out if Miller is Coors or Coors is Molson….) are perfectly drinkable if you like german lager. They're arguably in the top of their narrow field. The problem is nearly 80+ years of drinking only Lager has made America

*eye roll* I was never pro-free trade. The problem was blowing up NAFTA will only start trade wars. Mind as well rebuild unions at home and raise wages before I go after free trade.

Such strong words. Seriously, go away, nobody cares. Trump won 100K votes across 3 rust belt states. If a hair's breadth of voters showed up more from the Obama coalition we win. Future elections for Democrats will be anti-free trade, so don't worry.

Uh. Nope. Most departments in the public sector try for descriptive representation but it isn't a hard or fast rule. Just because you can't handle reality doesn't mean you get to lie.

Straight white men are fine, when they behave like rational actors. Confusing my intellectual position for white hatred is why you're trolling without a rebuttal.

Bad trolling at its finest.

Well, I think that speaks to the clear and concise issue of how white dominance and the need to address the overwhelming advantage whites have against PoC but are relatively run over by elites with actual and identifiable power. This is really where I point out that every liberal circle I traverse doesn't hate white

So, you're citing Joel Stein 8 years ago as a tongue-in-cheek remark about the heads of studios being Jewish and you think that bends me out of shape?

If Dave Chapelle is again truly defining white people as inferior rather than perhaps mocking an aspect of the culture or pointing out an issue as satire, I will listen. I again, think this goes back to how white supremacy is as pointed out Racism + Power. White people hold all the power and even ignoring all that,

Sorry, what critical thinking was shut down? You made a dog whistle statement about Gelman and his Jewish heritage. it's pointless to try and present yourself as an intellectual. You're not even remotely intelligent enough to actually debate with value….

If Dave Chappelle is valued as a mainstream liberal, I missed the notification. He just before the election backed some of Trump's sexual predation remarks….

And then you need to be removed from power since you're clearly intent to abuse it. I don't need to remove you from the social order to prosper, I want everybody to have jobs and prosper. When you put yourself as a social group based on race and sex ahead of others that means you are not fit to serve as a leader.

Being racially tone deaf doesn't mean making fun of being white. I'm again going to ask you to point to a mainstream liberal who mocks 'whiteness' while I can find dozens if not hundreds of Republicans who promote racism & anti-semitism.

Oh I know it was lying in wait, just under the surface but I also know people like Bannon are the types who put it into overdrive. They change what maybe a passive distrust of Jews into a whole new animal….They're the kind of guys who create Kristallnacht in the US…

No, they're Male leagues. They have pretty explicit bylaws and by defacto rules are male leagues. Plus, you're getting into pointless physical attributes versus clearly intellectual skills.