
Oh for sure, it's just an odd situation since in all honesty, it's being driven by Mr. Bannon and his ilk….It's a cart before the horse, but welcome to the next 4 years I guess. V_V

So are you one of the cranky ironic alt-right types or merely just a lonely white guy hoping this was your time to shine against minorities?

Is it weird how anti-semitism has become a thing again on the right and alt-right? It was always there but such a back burner to racism. But now it's weirdly front and center…

You're making wild assumptions again. Hiring people and wearing glasses are not interchangeable variables. In fact, one would be considered a dependent (hiring people) while the other an independent. Clearly hiring people in the general industry is a dependent variable and this is where standard deviation would

No, I see the point that there are outside factors that drive men away from the profession. It's still sexism, just not the refusal to hire. That's the point both NFA & I have made that you missed.

Quotas are illegal since under Nixon. What this article is saying that being so WILDLY off the industry average suggests there is a problem. I get that just because Herr Trump won you think you can be a giant emboldened douchebag, you aren't….please step away from the keyboard.

No, it's pretty clear NFA pointed out why you're a moron on many levels.

A.) Ok, so lets assume you're a woman. - What does this have to do with you understanding the lack of women in these fields?

Teachers make less money, are asked to do more than their average non-teaching counterpart, and generally have been socially pushed to do so because it is a viable opportunity.

This can't be said enough. Hating Trump as an actor is pointless. Hate his policies, go after his bad moves and expose him at every turn. He's completely ego mad and will shift gears the second the wind blows against him. So our job now is to make every stupid plan of Paul Ryan's unlivable hell for Trump as he

I still like the new stuff but it isn't Treats. It's much more complex and trying to be a grown up after basically having a bunch of 90 second cuts of what could have been super amazing songs. They had some big hits with Rill Rill and I still listen to them on loop sometimes but this is a different animal. It's fun

What an interesting twist on this all. I really don't have as much input as I would care to given the state of our union currently but it was a fun ride. It reflected on so many issues without getting bogged down in excess characters in previous seasons and really kept the narrative tight.

The hair is CGI….The skin is getting there but the hair is completely fake. It's quite easy to spot.

Don't worry, I have plenty of useful knowledge. Sorry if your false equivalency arguments and own particular view wasn't supported in my review. Please move along, people who can't accept a difference of opinion and insist they're right need to back it up.

He basically proved the right is fundamentally built on a series of shaky emotional arguments around who is legitimate and who isn't. His policies are non-existent. His views are a mish-mash of white supremacy and white rage at losing their privileged edge. Basically if he won it would prove that America is too

Going to a poll watching party at the University. It's sponsored by our department and I promised I would bring my Chattanooga 1866 with me to celebrate HRC's victory. So we'll likely have CNN, Fox, and MSNBC on the TVs and a few hundred kids surrounding the faculty.

People are seriously overblowing what a Trump presidency would do. It would be a Bush II redux, simply more aggressively and wild-eyed right-wing policies that would cripple our national economy and turn us into a cesspool with no ecological protections. It's not like the power structure would go away, it wouldn't

There is a whole cottage industry on the left of hating Bill Clinton while ignoring the fact that he was operating in the peak of right-wing power and actually did a great deal to stifle it while in office. I want to argue it's generational change but I also suspect it's just a straightforward distaste for Clinton on

She did in one of the later Reno Dance Party bits….It's really odd why they didn't use that as their top photo. They discuss her in entirety and not a single instance of her actual face appears.

Could they have atleast used the Ferrell/Reno comment from SNL? Nah…too much googling.