
The sad reality was she was a tall and plain woman who did her job exceptionally well. Perhaps she was a closeted lesbian or simply asexual, it never really mattered. The public portrayal of her has always been exceptionally cruel if only ephemeral which is the biggest issue I always had. As I am over 6' as well

Three Fisted Humdinger beat me to it, since by and large the AG doesn't have that kind of authority nor did she force the situation though the FBI did….

Since it will likely be taken down Nov 9th and thus be back on display it doesn't say much. Never mind that while HRC has some less than full-blown marxist views she is firmly in the camp of managing and putting restrictions on corporate power so if you were seeking an 'ironic' call it isn't coming.

But in the sense that Lorne produces it from afar. I doubt somehow that Seth Myers kowtows to him at all.

Sorry, Dave Chappelle lost his way and it's ok for him to have his opinions, I disagree with the 'implied consent' argument and I would point out that while sexism and homosexual bigotry are easier to hide they're no less virulent. It seems that he's struggling to find a way forward and what magic he had back on his

Glad to know your JD from 'Conservative U' is doing dividends. I'll stick to legitimate analysis thanks. :)

I'll have to take a look at them, everything i've seen him in has that same approach. Should be an interesting watch.

Course none of them will be of any actual crime but will simply be about selling the narrative that she's a criminal. They'll waste billions of dollars, entrench her supporters that much more, and we'll replay the same situation that Obama faced post-2010. Oh the fun of living in a society that feels delegitimizing

It was good for keeping a worse bill off the records. That's the sad reality of it. The 1990s were an awful time for being a PoC. I'm not going to sugarcoat it, but had Bush I won another election that crime bill would have been 10x worse.

Yes! Many in fact….

With some wraparound live bits I imagine.

Don't worry, Jane. Netflix is wrong and your man-orange hybrid will be juiced in just two days. Then he can stand trial on RICO charges without a constitutional conflict. :)

Yes, you're entitled to hold a grudge forever. You're entitled to ignore the context of the times, of why those statements shouldn't have been made but were. Sometimes the heroes have to do vile things when outright war isn't an option.

This smacked of an episode where the host was game but has no real talent for comedy. Benedict Cumberbatch is NOT a good actor and I hate to say that. He's an actor who plays one very particular character exceptionally well, there just happens to be a cottage industry for playing that particular character. A lot of

You can contend all day long, Kilborn did a different show that was arguably pretty bad. It made sense in that time, it was serving an underserved demographic. They would go back to it with shows like Tosh.0 and all that.

It's an interesting argument, since at this point McMullin would just be insult to injury for Trump, denying him the likely reality of less votes than Romney.

Because it was a satirical point. Nobody here thinks Daniel Tosh is edgy, he's just a very sad and quite possibly bigoted man. That's the whole point. We're in agreement that it isn't edgy and that you took it seriously. Hence the irony. :)

This has been my statement since the mid-summer. Pretty much after 2012 was almost a $2 Billion campaign and by mid-summer 2016 the totals spent were barely up over $600 million, I knew the media was going to get desperate to prop up the dead corpse of his campaign to make it look good.

Yeah, there is practically no way for him to win Nevada, NC, & Florida and you're right he ends up 4 short. It's more likely for HRC to pick off Arizona and McMullin to win Utah, most of the models still have her at 313-323 with a possible 350 if Arizona and Georgia flip (unlikely but arguable).

Dies by having molten gold poured on him….It is TRUMP!