
I have literally saw this movie probably two dozen times in total and another dozen or so in pieces. It's easily one of my favorite Halloween movies and generally one of my favorite movies growing up. I didn't realize it was made so late, it appears much more like the mid-80s not the early-90s. It's still a treat

Bears Vs. Packers is a historic rivalry, kind of like Browns Vs. Steelers, but the modern rivalry is all Packers Vs. Vikings & Ravens Vs. Steelers. It's just the nature of a changing league…that has a really poor coaching/owning situations.

The simpler answer is to just get a powerful wet/dry vac and suck them in, blocking off the exhaust port with a thin enough material to not lose too much suction but also keeping the bastards in. Then you just let it run for a good 12 hours, leave it in the sun blocked up and they'll suffocate. Honestly, his problem

Yes, but the ghosts didn't 'die' as in end their appearance in the season either. This again seems to support the overall notion if there is only one survivor I want it to be real Lee but I suspect it will be Paulson.

I was raised to believe that Hell is a place of emptiness and loneliness and really nobody went there except for the most heinous. The fear of going to hell as a practical and average person is wild in my view. Again, my childhood was an every sunday Mass but mass pretty much never discussed hell except in the most

So, you're asking me is there a point where you stop believing? No. That's the whole point, you reach a point where you may always question the most literal aspects but it's about finding a place within your beliefs that satisfy your life and you're always seeking new and interesting questions within it.

To be fair, we've only seen a short time afterwards from Shelby murdering Matt to the follow up. If anything, they would be contacting authorities and waiting for them to arrive. It's not all that surprising they didn't rush the set if they were really that far away and only using house cameras.

My money is on 'Real Lee' currently. She has the moral high ground of being a mother in a slasher film. But again, we've yet to see Sarah Paulson die and remain dead in a season yet (Coven technically killed her in the witch trials by going to hell but she emerged).

It's interesting how they've brought in a series of no-name actors to play the real ghosts for the most part. Gone is Gaga as the deer druid, now just some poor nameless woman (not even listed on IMDB yet) and the butcher is under a thick layer of makeup to mask any identity she may have had. It's a nice if subtle

Cincy chili is served over spaghetti and is more akin to a Greek variant. But I can see how it infiltrated the area by proximity.

Can't say this enough: More peppers plz!

Its interesting to recognize nobody seems to have a good lock on what constitutes 'chili'. My own standards are pretty lax, ground beef preferably (Pork is ok, but come on, you're already making a cheap dish…buy the beef). Fresh tomatoes, peeled tomatoes, stewed tomatoes, all go in. Then you use your browned meat

Yeah, once you write the reality that it's paint you never really get caught in it again. As for the blue/black vs. white/gold, I think my eyes saw it for a split second that way then corrected. On the same token: I didn't care.

Tank Girl heavily informed my identity going forward in life, I thankfully do not sound like Lori Petty though. >.>

In that hell is a choice of your own making kind of separates Lewis from Chick in this way. Chick's cornerstone is that the devil is using trickery, never acknowledging your own comeuppance in your decisions least not from an outsider view. Lewis may not be better but it certainly reads as a distinctly different yet

Same, I assumed that was the ending which depressed me when it was not. It's just such a weird situation because on one hand I want to be vindictive and know Jack Chick suffered for his heinous views but on the same token what right do I have to send him there for what maybe just an extremely misguided vision?

I'm not sure C.S. Lewis' relatively complex allegory on life, death, and Christianity can be compared to Chick's 'ravings of a mad man writing in his own feces' comics. It's not even the same arguments, in Chick's sad and maligned vision works like Lewis were satanic by default.

'Gerber God' was a word my mother uses for overly simplistic views on religion and god. It's kind of how in Talledega Nights Ricky Bobby prays to baby Jesus. It's never getting past the most obvious and concrete statements, like the 10 commandments and just insisting that everything is black and white, that there is

Nope,. just not going to bite on your stupid and unproven 'identity politics' attack. It's at best a limp attack coming to try and dog me….

Yes, because everywhere in New York City is a trendy white neighborhood of 6-figure income young hipsters….For fuck's sake can you be any more cliche? NYC is a mixture of poor working ethnic groups, white elites, black poor and middle-class, and a cross-section of just about everything in the US. It's definite that