
I already said it in Chick's original obit here, but it bears repeating. Chick informed me of how the other half live. Being Catholic, liberal, feminist, and a communitarian was the exact opposite of everything Jack Chick stood for. X-E had great take downs of him but I ventured over to his site and read most of

Heh? Really? Interesting, I remember Qdoba dominating the Pittsburgh Market well before Chipotle showed up and Jack in the Box is no where near PA. Then again when I moved out west I fell in love with cheap JitB….It was awful and somehow delicious. It was also very much somewhere between McD's over-processed and

Same with Izzo's, Moe's and even Qdoba isn't as widespread but would be called 'national' for the most part. If Chipotle collapses there will be a severe lack of hipster tex-mex burritos to be slung at stupidly high prices for what is effectively peasant food.

Is it weird to watch a gleaming model of fast food efficiency and advocacy die in such quick order? It's odd because they were largely in a market by themselves with only Qdoba as their main competitor along with a handful of smaller regional chains. But to just have the wheels fall off like this makes me suspect

I absolutely love the twist, I also recognize that if the 'real' ones actually did suffer that, WHY RETURN? Why return at all? Lee has some modest justification for being willing to return, she missed 90% of the insanity but again, she was there for the pyre and the conflagration of the Butcher. It really undercuts

Why not? What's the argument there? If everything is a parable why can't the book be a way to live one's life and that an afterlife exists free of the book's accounting?

Yeah, I doubt Duquesne's collection is anything your company would touch. Plus, we did have active archivists who could do it but it was a funding issue and we needed to stabilize it and then get it transferred.

Sad…So sad. I remember numerous articles akin to it. But thus is the tangled weave he wove. I'll be reading up on Dino Drac sometime later.

You're a hero to me, Rev. Remember that….Never let it go.

Catholicism for a very long time has taken the book as 'parables' which is wildly different and puts the whole church on the left side of theology compared to literalists.

I just mentioned that above….It was balancing the scales. We lose lots of awesome people and end it with Chick & Scalia to balance it all out.

My first exposure to them was a via an old blog 'pre-A.V. Club' world that was hilarious 'X-Entertainment' which I can't even find in the wayback machine (I'm sure somebody will remember it as well). He had a whole series of MST3K style write ups on Jack Chick comics and I still remember 90% of them as if they were

You deserve 10,000 upvotes but I can only give you one thus I salute you, sir. :)

I imagine Jack Chick is in an eternal battle of wit(less) with other fundamentalists who can't accept that heaven looks like something they didn't expect.

It's definitely different from Rutherford's other project, Roosterteeth's Crunch Time but they differ substantially in their goals, CT is a straightforward action comedy. DC LLC seems to be going for a very British surreal humor route, it smacks of The Office as well as Garth Marenghi's dark places. Neither of them

We've had decent craft beer since I could drink but IPAs were all that was available. So when I found I could drink I hated beer that much more because IPAs are everything wrong with beer in general, it's just infinite bitterness.

Because we're running out of electrons?

It's even more depressing to hear. :(

>.> Barring accident? Murray. He's a functional alcoholic and has been for a very long time. Also, Murray is a full 6 years older than Hanks, statistically Murray is going to go sooner.

Undeniably the best episode of the season so far. I was surprised they let the debate stretch a full 10 minutes (or just shy) but it was a wealth of jokes, a full cornucopia of orange bastard hatred to laugh at. Good lord, it was awesome to watch Baldwin-Trump flail into oblivion.