
10-4, kiddo….You enjoy that commercial break. :)

Woo! I got to give you credit, you took the strength and resolve to come and tell me off….On the internet…and still somehow feel like the victor.

Try harder, troll?

I get it was a joke…..I'm just so tired of the stereotype that even an ironic way of saying it it irritates me. But thanks for missing the point. :)

I read it as kind of 'generic hipster girl' or 'Manic Pixie girl.' But yes, there is definitely a vibe of creative intellectual in there. Even as her mother it was touching they really only made her grow larger and not distend her physical appearance (which would have been all wrong on so many levels…).

I was born in 1984, the golden age of Simpsons was already in repeats by the time I watched them as a tween and then a teen. The general consensus is pretty accurate but modern Simpsons are still infinitely watchable you just have to stop asking for a great sitcom and accept it's become more of an elastic spastic

Ned Flander in a Wicker Man parody would be epic but in all honesty, they would place Homer as the police Sargent and Flanders as the Religious zealot. A kind of mash up of the Cage & original Wicker man. Homer getting a face full of bees or something similar and the Wicker Man being a Wicker Homer.

The hunger games parody was something they must have been aching to do but waited far too long to do it. It would have been better served done after the first or second movie came out as a THoH episode. Now, it just seems old and more angry at the fact that the follow up movies are vastly different from the first

Pretty much. It's why most Europeans default to Americans as either from Brooklyn or Dallas….

As you can tell from my accent, I am smarter than you.

Why do conserva-trolls make bad accounts to write even worse attacks? Just give it up….

Exactly, it's technically a plural noun. The Bengals are a place and possibly a people depending on how you describe the region. But the plural is Bengali when referring to the people, so you would never say Bengals as a grammatically correct statement outside of it being a proper noun.

Fuck the Rooneys and their associate owners….it can be a fun time, even let wrinkly Dan in on the action.

The problem isn't if it was at the 3 or the 43, it's that Harbaugh wanted it changed completely. It's such a rare occurrence too, once every few years it happens and he's the first to make a huge stink about it in current memory.

The Jets could just as easily be a 3-2, they got drubbed by the Steelers & KC but they had a fighting chance and should have beaten the Bengals. I think the Jets are still suffering the Ryan hangover of trying to clean house but certainly there are worse teams to be…

The Ravens' coach is a whiny brat for even making that argument. If he fumbled that ball on the 1 inch line that ball is their's. If he fumbles it in the end zone it goes back to the opposing team as a touch back. DON'T FUMBLE IT INTO THE END ZONE. Hell, even if he bumped it into a Washington Football Team player

I don't think it's unfilmable but I don't treat it on the same level as a person who lived a largely negative or choppy existence. She's a different animal to bring to film.

Nash died in a tragic car accident in old age after managing his schizophrenia for decades, Nixon died in old age after being disgraced and was definitely clinically paranoid. Neither of them killed themselves on air, neither were women in a male-dominated field, and the list goes on…

Could the trailer be any more tonally off? It's just all kinds of wrong until maybe the last 5 seconds and they would have been better served just letting her finish the line. It's far too easy for most people to walk into the film and expect to see something touching and sweet, about how news changed and how she's

As a basic demo reel for something more, not bad. I would definitely welcome it as a cute anthology series.