
It's barely 40. 1974 - 2016. So it's probably on betamax and in relatively good condition for what it is. It will never be 1080p quality but I suspect it's atleast completely watchable and will remain so for some time more (and if the law firm did their due diligence, transferred it to a DVD for protection if only

I'm willing to hear your argument but where does Fallon make a negative stereotype of a woman by nature of being a woman in that situation? Unless you're making the broad claim that he stole a role from a woman I fail to see the equivalency to your broad claim.

It's a piece of history and destroying it would be more detrimental to the sad tragedy that took Chubbuck's life than making sure the death creepers never see it. It's just a sad reality. :(

Her Was the reality of falling in love with something that was not 'human' in the sense of both a physical and existential way.

To the point, most business books like his and the rest are all extremely broad truisms because most good businesses run on minutiae that just isn't relevant to all businesses. That's why you go to the business college and find out most of their practices are about teaching you accounting, ethics, and principle

How about this:

Asimov was a definitive liberal in nearly every way…..

Yes, that's right…the AV Club, largely written by 30 year olds and supported by people who are largely under-40 is going against their target audience…Except that those two demographics sway so heavily to the left that writing pro-Trump articles is pointless.

You do since your argument hinges on something that is only being perceived by you.

Drag isn't designed and centered around diminishing women historically. In fact, it's generally centered around the absurdity of the concept rather than a productive and intentional attack.

I really hate mimes…..Marcel Marceau can go to hell. >:(

I think that's part of it, it depends on how far from 'normal' a clown goes and the farther they go the better it is for older kids. I've met clowns who did a very traditional and french style which falls firmly into 'uncanny valley' while others are so heightened they end up being lovably comical or disturbing

Clowns were pretty significant in the Bozo era, so post-war till about the 1970s. I mean, pennywise is a subversion of the whole concept of friendly clowns. That's kind of his point….I think though by that time the concept of clowns had fallen out of favor with Red Skeleton largely on the wane and the art form

I've been on and off a clown since my teens, helping my uncle and aunt who were part-time clowns in the Red Skeleton style. I've enjoyed the experience and I completely get it, it's unsettling if you think about the person underneath the silly persona. I remember working a birthday party with a well established

I would agree and if one of them went on to a prestige television show I would have said so. I'm not saying they haven't done something but where Cheers had five cast members go on to significant and long careers on major shows and leading others scrubs hasn't had that. It's sad, they're all good actors but they

Just because your stadium is old does not make it a good stadium…Generally, Forbes Field of Pittsburgh was considered a wonderful ball park but it was torn down and replaced with a cookie cutter Three Rivers Field then it was torn down for PNC Park which is also generally considered one of the best of the new fields.

*points to the Middle* Yeah….Ok.

. . .I didn't say it was 'nothing' but it's not a network television sitcom.


Maybe? Who cares? She's still a better politician and leader than Trump. When the shoe is on the other foot I'll deal with it then. I'm not an objective reviewer of media, it isn't my job….You're biased, I'm biased, suck it up and we'll all be happier. :)