
Um, the entire line was to have a 'public position' that counted and a private one that you believed in. I think you're confusing what it actually said and what it meant.

I think it's the difference between 'grading' and sharing the best best bits. I agree, at this point it should be a TV club no rating item…but it's just their way.

Yes, because you never once held contrary positions with different friends or groups. Please, take this and shove it. Sanders as recently as the mid-2000s was against marriage equality (calling for civil unions at best). The reality is positions change in a democracy. I'm not sure how you so effectively confuse

This is low-grade trolling. I'm giving it a 1/10 for originality and general level of effectiveness.

The more I watch John Oliver the more I wish he did the Daily show….I know this is a seminal feeling but damn if it isn't poignant at times.

As much as I loathe the patriots on every level Gronkowski is seemingly a kind and decent human being. His ability to be self-effacing is refreshing compared to Brady-Belichick sore winner dicketry which is why I kind of find the view of his parody as a punch-drunk moron a bit harsh for no particularly good reason.

Stay classy….when you want to get serious feel free to reply.

Yes, they can choose to vote aggressively against their own interests. It's fun to make a completely wrong-headed statement by avoiding context…

Definitely seems to have cleared out what was dragging the room down for some time. I think with the new filmed pieces they're really getting back to their roots with the freedom to do both live sketches and flex more depth with the films.

Um……wah? Since the beginning of her campaign she has promoted the end of CU. She has it listed on her website and has stated it in numerous speeches.

Bayer is the unsung hero of this cast now. She does all the pieces where you have to be a kid or a dork. Strong has no problem going full blown alcoholic or crazy cat lady, that seems to be her wheelhouse but Bayer gets far more bizarre in different ways.

So was I, but HRC is a nice consolation prize contrary to what some believe. Her SCOTUS picks are what matter and they're going to change the face of America.

You're welcome to go to breitbart if you so desperately need your dose of insanity. Frankly, you should realize Gen X and Y tilt heavily to the left, what would you expect here?

Oh please, The right wing base has been clamoring for a character just like Trump to run for some time. The fact that Romney got in was because the base hated him but knew he was coherent compared to the other tikes on the playground.

There is a pretty strong rumor going on that Fallon has a drinking problem and well….the evidence seems to be mounting that he may actually have one.

This is prime trolling people…You got to respect somebody who remains coherent after a full break with reality. Bravo, you earned yourself a golden trollie for sure…

4 years of it to say the least. Probably 8. :)

Drag is a treasured part of our comedy heritage….but yeah…Fallon was brought back because he anchored with Fey & I suspect Pohler wasn't available on short notice.

I forgot to point that out, but I think she pointed out herself she was the first Female Latino cast member which is accurate. Horatio Sanz is the first Latino cast member I can recall (Chilean).

If that was integrated marketing that was ingenious…Kudos to them.