
So, is this the season where SNL gets on its feet somehow? Watching last week's episode yesterday and then last night's at the regular time kind of informed me to the fact that they're hitting on every mark. Not a bad sketch yet, some ok ones…but everything is hitting at atleast a C or better level. For a show that

Fallon was well liked by Lorne, that's the basic reality of his world. He's not bad as a talk show host, he's effervescent to the max and that helps keep his show light and funny….but also makes him a puffball of an actual journalist or even a basic interviewer. It's why Trump did his show while avoiding the

I just think people over analyze the 90's and pine for it. Really, nothing in terms of alt rock sounds like that.

You kind of have to break Green Day into two very distinct bands: There is 90's Green Day where they were much more influenced by grunge, Cali Punk, and just that whole period, they spent the 90's really with one mega-hit till Warning when they got Time of Your Life which is so overplayed it depresses me because it's

Those albums were vanity projects, a way to make everybody happy without causing an issue. I think collectively there is a decent album in there, just way too much filler…

Because being punk means never actually making money and insisting on being a complete weirdo even after you're relatively wealthy and living a charmed life! I'll be damned if Tim Armstrong or Fat Mike admits to that! They still wear leather and snort coke every day like a good punk rocker!

Last post trollerino…

. . .ok. You need to go find somebody else who cares to keep bickering with your silly narrative arguments. I appreciate a good liar, sadly you're just at bad at getting proof as getting in a believable lie.

Wow, trolling after you lost a simple discussion…good lord, why bother? The internet doesn't make you an ass, you manage that all on your own. Go back under the bridge…

I was doing the basic google search per store….Frankly you jumped into this fight with both feet like a jackass to come off as a real winner, you got clipped. Just go home and lick your wounds.

Your own numbers don't prove anything, nothing is broken out by store.
McD's by store - 923K
Subway by store - 269K
Starbucks by store - 423K
Wendy's by store - 1.32M
Burger King by store - 572K
Taco Bell by store - 1.12M
Chick-Fil-A by Store - 1.84M

Yeah, no….Go look at the current returns on investment. Building a McD's in a place where wealth concentrates is not as good as you claim. I'm going to wait for your obvious 'I'm an MBA!' type answer and not bother to get the stats out. Just point blank: Owning a McDonald's is not as great as you think it is.

It's because they're really a franchising company, they'll let you play 'manager' while they get a guaranteed income from the situation. It's really not a bad idea though to invent a 2nd chain using their vast resources to get themselves organized for a new generation of investors. You have to realize that no matter

1980-2000/1984-2004 depending on who you talk to is millennials, so they're anywhere from 16/12 to 36/32. They're basically almost all out of HS & mostly out of college.

I would bet a fair portion of it was the rise of the dollar menu in the early-2000s that kiboshed the higher ordering model. So if millennials do eat McD's its probably the cheapest food on the menu and not the more expensive Big Mac.

Way to stay hip there grandpa….

Pretty much we hate McD's for everything McD's does well. They stand out in comparison to every other major fast food burger joint. Wendy's, Burger King, and the rest of the smaller more nimble places all taste like what you would either make at home or get a casual dining restaurant. Basically, McD's tastes like

Let me rephrase that: You used diversity as your attack rather than concede you had a subjective opinion. I will point out under no circumstance is my preference for the expanded universe predicated on a desire to see more white actors get work. It's based on good writing and as I stated in my initial rebuttal:

Nice attack on diversity! Gotta go the classy route to infuse some objective value into your subjective opinion….

The reality that TFA is a lazy rehash of ANH is what broke my will for Star Wars. I grew up reading the expanded universe and the complete refusal to do what is a litany of excellent novels that they could pick and choose to do would have been great. Instead, we end up with the worst aspects held over to clear house