
I'll defend Radioland Murders as a good film till the day I die. It's not a great film but it's infinitely watchable given it stars a man with 3 first names, somehow the last being a mashed together first.

The problem with these suits are that you can approach them from two directions. Either Cassandra was trying to imitate Numri so close that she was trying to be indistinguishable and thus trade on her name OR Numri had developed such an unique persona that anybody doing something similar to that was trying to copy

I seriously have not dressed up for Halloween in almost two decades until last year. I actually grew to hate Halloween as it was my spouse's favorite holiday and when they died I just shut down. But last year everybody in my circle badgered me, so I broke out a slinky dress & a big black wig. Being Elvira was

I'm with you on this, Elvira is no more 'stealing' from Nurmi than Nurmi was stealing from the clear 'vamps' that came before her. Elvira is basically a generic look of a half-dozen literary and television figures paired with a distinctly different personality. It's sad but not Cassandra's fault.

They're generally viewed as better than average knives, definitely something that could have been sold at nicer kitchenware stores but in order to justify their crazy marketing scheme of paying college kids money for just presenting they price the knives at insane prices. The people who get roped into buying Cutco

Here goes the dirty secret: Cutco knives are saws. The same with the Ginsu and just about any other crap knife sold. If it's a serrated blade it is by definition a saw. It's using the teeth to do the work and thus you end up getting through stuff easy but end up ruining textures on delicate things.

Einstein, Edison, Hedy Lamar…Do I really need to go on? I can probably dig up a list of scientists and actors who died tragically and a list who died at a ripe old age and come out atleast 4 to 1. It's tragic because it's rare and the rarity makes it more likely to recall.

Ellroy and by virtue Hanson setup their murders in disturbingly realistic scenarios. Some of Ellroy's earlier books are much more 80's thrillers, clearly set in a different world and time/tone. They feel dated reading them but they surprisingly read much more like screenplays. L.A. Confidential, a much later work

So serious musicians feel free to weigh in, I finally broke down and bought some cheap studio headphones to replace my Razer for riding on my bike and they sound 10X better. But where is the magic number for you? $400 headphones sound nice on paper and maybe if you're an audiophile snob who absolutely must buy the

This is the kind of show that needs to be an hour long dramedy series to hit the mark. Giving them more depth to maintain the integrity of the story. The fact that NBC can't seem to figure that out to save their lives is probably a blessing. Now she can shop the show to the HBO-Showtime-Starz crew and make it into

Ok, I'll stop the personal barbs but I have to say this, if you have studied party politics in any depth you would know the literature undermines everything you just argued.

Yes, that's not a new meme, it still doesn't make it factually accurate or empirically backable. By the way, the lowest Iraq War support fell to in the run up was 52%, then generally hovered in the high-50s and low 60s. Lets even go ahead and assume that a fair portion of those voters are left Democrats.

Thus we have reached a conclusion!

That's the most nuanced view I've seen come out of a disqus discussion on her foreign policy positions. It's also one I don't necessarily disagree or agree with, I see that Libya was a worthy fight but also one where the US just isn't willing to commit to democracy or stability which is even more frustrating. The

That's just it, the 'political spectrum' isn't nearly as subjective as you want to believe it is. It's more so an issue of people disassociating with terms and views they dislike while trying to argue that it isn't even in their part of the spectrum.

Wow, that's a text wall. Lets try to parse this:

To say 'begrudgingly' is to imply she didn't want to raise it at all. $12 is still a major jump, $15 became a nice rallying cry and it definitely would be a major bonus but isn't as if magically she went from wanting to repeal to bumping to $15.

Gimmick implies I don't have a PhD. Frankly, I could care less what you think since you're nothing more than an alien that infests memories to populate and take over a planet.

There are 'legitimate concerns' but the Honduras coup is a complex issue so the dying partisan that invoked her name isn't really a great argument. But beyond that, you're the exact reason why the right has so convincingly held together their coalition. They know there are things that are irritating or flat out

*shrug* Your interpretation of the 'center' is wrong and I could point you to numerous sources that establish her position as Center-Left in US politics if you need a refresher.