
Intriguing argument. I find it an interesting read into the character. I've heard this before but i'm still hesitant to buy it. Least as anything more than a nice theory to read into.

Deadpool broke the 4th wall waaaayy too aggressively to be a grand slam. It is a good movie that deserves sequels but to call it anything but a good movie is a stretch. It wants to be Star Wars and Spaceballs at the same time and ends up being the latter mostly. :S

I read the synopsis after it came out and that was enough for me not to watch it. :S

I think the Netflix series have to due to budget.

I'm going to go see it, it looks acceptable but I have some minor reservations. If it ends up being halfway decent (I haven't seen BvS) I may be intrigued to stick around for the Justice League movie but it depresses me that DC has a good staple of characters to send to the big leagues and they keep screwing it up.

Are we counting traditional costumes or just post-SS costumes?

If you look at Marvel vs. DC on that level, DC is operating in a world that is still fundamentally similar to ours. Marvel is operating in a world that is arguably 50-100 years ahead of our current technology while keeping the same culture. It's as if the 1940s WWII era/1950s atomic age science leapfrogged the

Villains tend to have a few sets of motives: Greed, revenge, or sadism. You can really work the first two into reasonably decent tools for good ends if the methods are less than ethical. The last is the kind you put down like a dog that bites anything that moves.

Garnet is a relationship unto itself. She followed Rose as an adult with an ideological agreement. Pearl was/is in love with Pearl & Amethyst saw Pearl as a mother figure, so Greg was the stepdad/usurper that ruined that. Greg was never a threat to Garnet's emotional position which is a big reason why she was

It was really nice and ties into his appreciation of Sadie who is clearly shorter and bigger than the more traditional women.

From the start it appears Lapis has been nothing more than a 'scout' in their society if a member of the society at all. Her early appearances are all about her wanting to be a wanderer and not 'get involved.' So no, Lapis is the definitive loner and was probably not even involved in the gem war at all, atleast as

That's such an odd example but accurate. I think it would be more apt that Jasper would be offering a relationship without changing how they feel about open homosexuality as a more apt analogy.

I just powered through Bojack S3 last night, slept it off, then powered through the new Steven Universe episodes…The only real difference to me in tone is SU is less jaded but not by much.

That's why I figured they went broad with Carpenter. Still, best depiction of abortion on TV in some time.

Tom Savini would make the most sense since he worked with Carpenter and Romero. But it may have just been a broad directorial note. It didn't really make sense otherwise.

Ah, well I think there can be a fascination within the framework. But I see your point, I would say since you're aware of your feelings on it isn't an issue. :)

. . .I'm not sure how that could be construed as such? I almost want to look her up on YT to see how it's pronounced since I think I have it right in my head but I'm intrigued. :D

This looks interesting but also possibly god awful. It's too hard to tell right now. They brought together 3 stellar SNL Stars in McKinnon, Wiig, and Sudekis, 1 good SNL star in Jones and 2 crapshoots in Wilson and Galifianakis. It really depends on how central Galifianakis is to the story, is it his movie or is he

I meant the main cast, I know they've had subordinate reporters that don't fit the model but nearly all the main casters were in that frame. Course everything has exceptions. :)

Well, I think like any website that caters to a sort of niche media crowd (AVC skews white, male, and under-40 for sure) so unlike Gen Y/X that skews heavily to the left it has a larger than average share of the remaining libertarian/conservative voters. This is kind of why I can get contentious here faster than not.