
CNN has this weird love affair with their graphics abilities. MSNBC spent the entire convention using a LED screen wall and panning to the bio credits, PHYSICALLY PANNING THE CAMERA. So props to their sky-high resolution (I wonder if they internally broadcast 4K to those panels?). I didn't watch Fox except at the

81 posts, 4 months ago the account went active again (roughly the time Sanders got some momentum then failed to gain) and all of them long-winded pseudo-intellectual diatribes against the article in which facts and reality are largely ignored in favor of some Sanders-flavored Koolaid.

Saying so and never really discussing his past? Basically he never joined the liberal establishment and it showed. So while he was in agreement with over 80% of Clinton's platform he was able to play a slick narrative game which I have to commend.

Sounds like a white guy problem with no comprehension of actual politics and a secret love for Ron Paul. May I suggest you stop pretending you understand and simply back Johnson?

Is it sad I can come to AVC for more honest political commentary than the major networks? This is largely something I noticed early on. The networks were banking on a 2 Billion election and will maybe get a combined with lower races one that scratches 1. So they're stuck desperately trying to build something,

This is why you don't show 5 year olds Eraserhead….

The most coherent theory I've seen to date is one that addresses the idea that yellow guy is 'real' and red guy is either adult yellow guy or more likely an older sibling. He escaped the abusive relationship with his father and left behind the little brother/younger self. The rebooted end universe shows them all

Just saw it and it is everything I expected. Riotous comedy, disgusting body humor, amazing acting, and a great score. It sets up the premise and tries desperately not to make you question Mannie too hard because there is no deep benefit to looking at Hank's psychosis. The film deserves serious consideration just

The fact that you're enjoying this retort as if you've gained any value. Basically, I am trying to understand you as a troll because at this point that is all you are.

Wow, powerful reply…

I have, far more than you. If you think this is about identity politics still then you fell into the deepest trap that the right could lay. But hey, more power to you for coming to your own wrong and unfounded positions.

So emotional, grow up and stop being a nitpicking loser. :)

So says the laziest troll around. Stay classy. :D

Those are the competing narratives but it is kind of poorly couched in the issues.

That is kind of the issue with location filming and CGI. You'll never get the same impact but will anybody care? It feels like a lost artworm in many ways, simply fading away as people remember fewer and fewer films where it was done.

Because mild fantasy is unacceptable? Nobody complains about stupid comedies that do this exact same mild fantasy setting but this one.

It really isn't unexpected. Ferris Bueller's world was set in a modernized Chicago that switched most of the wood for brick after the great fire then all the stubby office building for glass and steel towers in the 1970s and 80s. His world was practically brand new and now 30 years later the only aggressive changes

5 month necropost for a gimmick account? Come on, you can do better than that…

The best part for me was that it was kind of set somewhere in a non-distinct 1930s-1960's world with 1990's tech slipping in as necessary. It allowed stories to be told without the times getting in the way making it more complicated than it had to be.

I'm just bored watching you flounder, shout hideously idiotic things with zero proof to assert it and then watch you Dunning-Kruger your way into the most ironic comment i've s een in a while.