
This is one of those things where I fully support her but when half her targets are over 60 years old, you really aren't beating down doors. Aloha seems to be one of the more modern exceptions and Ghost in the Shell while great, can actually be set just about anywhere and not lose more context than it already does

It's a month later and you're still wrong. But whatever. You do not matter, internet troll.

I think there was research done and that's more or less where the whole concept of CTE comes from. I mean 'punch drunk' is a term we've been using for a long time. I've seen quite a few NFL articles reference Boxing as a baseline.

There are 4 basic assumptions we make about life in general:

God Speed, Muhammad Ali.

Cate Blanchett or James Earl Jones. I would prefer this become my inner monologue voice though. Pretty much if everybody sounded the same to me it would be a terrible and extremely lonely life.

Yeah, she got a nice line drive hit. It was no slouch, I wonder how much they had to practice that? I mean….It seemed pretty planned that she was supposed to get it.

This one of those moments where I just respect Japan. Go for it, be fun and strange. I also could have totally seen this being a thing when Freddy & Jason were at their height….To go do it as a Dodgers or Angels game….

I was thinking the same thing but if you watch it again, she squares up pretty solidly on the line and then does a nice lofty pitch. It was over the plate but high and kind of slow. Still a decent pitch for doing it practically blind…

Blomkamp comes from the 'hit you with the moral' school of filmmaking combined with Spielberg-esque sense of grandeur. It's not a really good mix because ultimately people are attracted to the grandeur and put off by the hard-hitting moral play. It's not even a bad moral play, it's just something you don't really

It's a bit of both in this case, yes, they have wealth to use science to combat it but they're naturally more photogenic and attractive people, they have farther to fall than somebody who was already pedestrian. It's kind of why when we look at natural aging for people who avoided excessive labor and sun exposure

Yeah, black folks that talk like you are Tim Scott and Herman Cain. Killer Mike, Cornell West, and Tavis Smiley don't make Republican talking points. Your failure is not their's.

Lapis is defined by her social desire to be 'alone' kind of how peridot strives to be loved by virtue of her work, Lapis just wants to explore the world.

Ok, yeah, you're a Republican troll. Calling out 'identity politics' is so badly tipping your band is to be almost pointless. I've had the pleasure of teaching young black men, not one of them would throw that kind of language around because they know this battle isn't about race so much as it about the future and

Ah, well, good for you. :)

So we're in agreement but fight over nuance? Sufficient. But you more or less put me out on a plank, what did you expect the response to be?

It's actually pretty pointed because in essence you're saying it's not but it's pretty clear from the setup and show it is attempting to satirize Carson in some fashion. Unless it's so meta that it's satirizing its own dadaist take on Carson then I think it's OK to ask your intent.

No, I grew up in one of the poorest areas in a large urban center, a heavily mixed neighborhood. They aggressively support the Democratic party because local officials actually try to make their lives better.

This is more or less something we already knew. Hence why as society is idled we're going to have create a minimum living standard for most people to have. It's not exactly crazy to think within a lifetime or two most of society will be idled except for creativity and seeking out things of interest.

Before I answer, what did you think?