
Deal with it. :O

7 Movies that are either general classics from their era or atleast a cult classic (D.C. Cab kind of straddles that line, more cult…).

It took me a full day to sit down and force myself to watch this and it is uninteresting and frankly missing the point. Carson was far from the biggest gay fear comedian out there, that was really more the 90's schtick, so what few years Carson may have been involved in it is limited. Beyond that it gets into bad

That Carson was a closet homophobe? It feels stretched. Not that the era wasn't ripe with gay fears but was Carson the worst portrayer? Considering he attacked Severinson who was noted for being a fabulous trumpet player and continuously married to his wife & had kids suggests less so.

Nah, I guess you're just an ill-informed person. Sorry for mistaking you for an intellectual.

Fired/not renewed - Maybe Mooney, maybe Sasheer.

I'm pretty sure Bennett and Mooney are a package deal so while Bennett is great as straight man/gravitas player Mooney is essentially a one-note joke, always playing a Middle-America white trash kid from the 1990s somehow.

Armisen is an acquired taste, period. He plays better in a pen, give him a narrow script, let him hit his marks and keep his critiques to a minimum. But Portlandia is his place to 'be' and if you don't like that you aren't going to like Armisen..

Weekend update was designed as a break for a very long show but has turned into a standard monologue/stand up area for topical humor. Good anchors (Ackroyd/Curtain, Fey/Fallon) make it a center piece, bad anchors (Miller, Quinn who didn't really fit it as a reader, Meyers by himself after a time) really holds it back.

From what I understand was that his after-Batman string of films paid him sufficiently to let him go do whatever he wanted. Had he wanted money so bad he could have done a 3rd batman film back in the 1990's for crazy money back then (15M supposedly).

Sorry, I was never abused but I worked exclusively with sexually assaulted children when I was working my way through grad school. There is help out there and I had all races, ages, and creeds in my groups. I'm really not sure what you're getting at unless this a veiled MRA thing you're pushing…

I remember Fuse being the kind of answer to MTV's trend towards exclusively hip hop/Pop/Top-40 and it worked except that you're never going to capture the audience that they wanted because they either didn't have cable or weren't allowed to watch it as much.

I want to say Hardwick heavily implied it but he also implied she was sleeping with a lot of people….

I kind of feel bad because had she not gone anti-vaxxer she would just be deemed a bad grossout comedian. But that's kind of her schtick…

This is classic 'nice guy' syndrome. It happens to both sexes but the whole concept of 'friendzoning' is just an extension of it. It isn't necessary that it won't happen but if people don't say it they have no business pining endlessly.

The cartoon is infinitely more watchable but that's because it basically makes a gross out version of captain planet. I've only watched a few Troma films, mostly because I love the Lunachicks (who love Lloyd Kaufmann…or are friends with somebody who loves him). So they're featured in Terror Firmer for a few moments.

She falls outside of the traditional realm of european white. It's an interesting discussion since again, Arab & middle-eastern people are caucasians, so are the sub-continential indians and most south Americans…But they definitely don't fit the model of Western or Eastern Europeans.

Angry black man troll claiming liberals are the enemy…..Ok, please go ahead and post a selfie to verify otherwise I'm filing this under 'bad white guy trying to pretend he's black' trolling.

I didn't even realize that. That's sad…but the really large fusions like Sugilite/Sardonyx are hard to bring into stories because they are so large and kind of out of character for the best storytelling that tends to play out in a very interpersonal way.

I'm a sucker for these small-talk historical works, that tell essentially nothing but anecdotes and make me want to read it. That being said….see my comment below to MLS.