
I'm willing to agree they operate in the same genre but are they that similar?

Somebody is drinking their tang…..Too bad it's wildly out of date.

:O Oh noes! A jerk who couldn't handle his opinion not being treated as gold is upset that I pointed out his core fallacy…..RUN FO' DA HILLS!

You can say 'I don't think I would like this comic' or 'I don't think this comic benefits from the images' but you don't get to have an opinion on what constitutes the definition of a comic without expecting large and honest push back.

*points to every other comic book in existence* Yeah, that's what a comic is. It's text with images. The images do not move so they are background or foreground with text. Are you more annoyed there wasn't sufficient action? Then I point to the numerous discussions comic book characters have in action and

We just had that article discussion…I think most people reached a consensus of it being good not great.

Creep was awesome. Then everything after that is sorta ok. It takes a certain kind of person to appreciate Radiohead and they seemed to get stuck in that 90's alt rock scene of themselves they couldn't escape.

The books are massively better, still written for an 8th grader, but just far more interesting. Not hearing her inner monologue in the films really makes Lawrence kind of a classic case of 'cold leader' where you never see her be truly pensive, just doing what has to be done.

This is where we can shed our co-opted support for things. It's actually quite interesting to read because I think people find comfort in both conformity and non-conformity.

From a technical perspective your second line is untrue. He could sing, singing is an act that is independent of your qualitative review. I also agree that The Doors & Bob Dylan are highly overrated and U2 is thoroughly over the hill. I never listened to enough Rush to pass judgment on them…

It's totally generational. I grew up playing the original top-down-3/4ths down view Zeldas and OoT is basically the difference between those who love Super Mario 64 vs the side-scrolling Marios.

So you love Seinfeld and hate the idea that you see a reflection of yourself in the protagonists? Interesting…

Truth! That's probably a better representation. In some respect we can like him but we also mock him.

Oh I get it, Ronaldo is Tumblr in fry-man form. Doesn't mean I'm itching to see him anytime soon though…

I genuinely hate It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia because it simply rehashes the Married with Children concept but 20 years later and with less social mores. The issue is where Al Bundy is a jerk, a slob, and a downright shitty person there are atleast mildly redeeming qualities to him on some level. IASIP just

Are you over 60 today? That movie is generally viewed as a nostalgic view from the 1990s of the 1950s-1980s. It has aged insanely poor. I still like it as a historical piece of fiction that does a decent sense of the times from a white southern moderate's point of view…but really leaves a lot of history out.

That's the history of SNL. You can probably cobble together 40% of a season into stellar work and the remaining 60% falls into too topical or just bad. I made myself a promise to watch every SNL ever via netflix and other sources. I've been stuck on the dark time with Jean Doumanian for about a year but basically

I was reflecting on the broader scale. No need to take offense.

I saw this last night and I mulled it over till this afternoon. I don't think Greg and Rose were really reversing gender roles or straining them so much as the gems are introduced as capable fighters. I can't help but see Greg more as a Perry White figure to Superman or Pa Kent to Superboy. He's still a clearly

That goes down an interesting rabbit hole because Peridot has taken great lengths to describe the basic concept that any and all same gems are identical and thus 'fusion' isn't an issue but more like getting your fingers to work together on your hand. We saw this in the Garnet flashback to her origin and how rubies