
Ronaldo is alright but suffers from severe one-dimensionalism. He's also kind of the writer's whipping boy when they want to knock on fans for reading waaaaayyyy too deep into some things. He'll crop up again but when the writers have to deal with creepy fans again.

Move Lars up, switch out onion and I'm good to go. Onion needs a few episodes to evolve into a character that isn't one-note. He's still essentially a running gag even after we found who is mom is.

It was a great subversion of the gender-based identity of war. It was just such a quick throwaway scene that deserves so much more attention.

Don't you mean Sugilite or are you going to sing about having strength in a real way, too? :P

Interesting concept, it certainly seems Gem Drill intentionally made them much more elastic and cartoonish than we've seen in awhile. This could be a turn towards more child-friendly entries or it could be a way to talk about abusive relationships with the character who is both resentful and lost in more ways than we

According to CN Steven's Birthday started Season 3. This is episode 5 & 6 of Season 3 respectively.

It was clearly something they were going to address but I suspect they got sidetracked with more compelling stories and so malachite as a whole got put on the back burner. It seems like there was real intent to have her be a modest situation atleast in more than one more episode….

The call back to the watermelon people was hilarious and cute. I actually thought they were going to address the fact that they became fully sentient and sapient beyond Steven's power. Though the decision to address the cluster quickly actually frees up a great deal of episodes now. It was clear from the end of

Hey now, nobody was saying you used meth, I asked how many pounds you obtained….Resell is key here, never use your own product. :P

That's why I love club venues. Small, intimate, and usually only oven roastingly hot after an hour of listening…

Heat + very large crowds = bad news. It didn't help that I insisted on still wearing my denim vest punk raiment back then…that added atleast 15 lbs of denim, metal, and human detritus from wearing it so much.

I was going to say since I play guitar poorly their music is really simple chord structure with almost no effects. It's probably the most ideal learning material for new soft indie players out there.

I would like to know how many stab wounds and/or pounds of meth you have obtained from blackfoot, just for confirmation purposes.

Nelsonville in Ohio looks tempting, $50 to See Courtney Barnett and Nathaniel Raitcliff isn't a bad deal and I'll be up in Pittsburgh when it's going on. Maybe a 3-4 drive….But I had a minor panic attack last time I did a big festival show. It's all fun and games until you end up in the hospital for 2 days while

It's really listenable, it's pretty easy to get a head around, and the band went into radio silence. I actually only heard them and knew who they were about 3-4 years ago, I remember hearing them before that but never getting the band name. It's a good album that seems to have influenced a whole generation of soft

Oh I read it as a response to their final words after he was resurrected. They would have been better served to simply ride off to a new place from the NW. Honestly, the place seems held together by awkward paranoia and the threat of murder more than anything else.

What would you have said? God speed, Jon Snow? *GURKLE* X_X

Furthermore, most western european fighting took place at the end of pikes and cavalry. The swashbuckling battles we see are more display in their historic time than factual. But as you stated, the odds of defeating two individuals in melee combat drops precipitously simply because of flanking. A great fighter may

If it makes you feel better, I find the insistence on murder porn disturbing too. It actually deadens a scene meant to have more impact but forcing us to watch them die….

Desertion - I'm leaving.
AWOL - I left but you're looking for me.
Mutiny - Fuck that, I'm staying and you're being removed from authority.