
The bystander effect is fairly well proven and found that as more people are around fewer people tend to take charge or make moves. It's a natural aspect of human nature as we can calculate a few people's reactions but as the numbers grow we fall off quickly and become numb and immovable.

2.2 lbs = 1 Kg - It isn't a hard calculation, Metric user. Get with the times! >:D

Somebody's personal fascination that is based on minutia or interesting nostalgia….well that is straight up unacceptable here at AVC. You'll learn that eventually.

PIs were never that. Pinkertons spent more time investigating Unions and conducting espionage than ever solving murders. They've historically been eyes and guns for hire. I think people have seen the PI role become cliche in a way which is why shows like Sherlock and Elementary exist as a kind of fringe PI-style

So? Hail Mary or not, their intent was clear. They wanted to change the laws to suit their own ends. You're grasping at straws to continue to defend them. It's like pretending it's completely OK for an ex-lover to TRY to burn down your house as long as they didn't actually.

This is one of those times where I just have to ask, so where do you disagree with the left? It's easy to attack the show for being too 'political' in a broad sense but most of it is an issue with 'things I disagree with' more than 'this is functionally a bad joke.'

Really bad video + Very shiny finish = really dusty/oxidized look. The latter 15 seconds of the video shows the car is clear coated.

It's part of the CSI effect, a sort of pro-establishment vision of procedurals that all come from a weird place. I kind of want to argue that it's partially a writer's advantage to give your team near unlimited resources and ensemble casts that can be replaced just as a real police department keeps running when

Not really, changing how oral contracts work is crazy and dangerous….

There is nothing wrong with being in a healthy relationship where you don't have to be the dominant all the time. Everything is about give and take! As for balding..It's fine. I think if you keep it short and clean it looks great, Patrick Stewart has been rocking it since atleast the 1970s. He balded young and

I feel for indie labels, they're a thankless business model that nobody really appreciates. They're mostly a break-even business or a small 'I can live on this' salary for two or three people managing probably 20-30 bands at a time. But on the same token they're in business to make money and do something they love.

Why is dicking over your friend more offensive than possibly setting a legal precedent for 320 million Americans to abide by for effectively all future dealings?

HAHA! I love your manliness in such a sanguine way…

A stainless steel pan, a tablespoon of olive oil and a large steel spatula makes fried eggs easy. Non-stick pans aren't safe to get SUPER HOT like a great fried egg wants to be. I lived on scrambled eggs and ham sandwiches for several years in college.

I had that feeling in Europe because so many American brands hide their IDs or have absorbed foreign companies but force them into the color/branding scheme of the home company. It made me feel like I was in my home state but somehow things went horribly better. :S

There are tons of arguments within the multiverse theory that suggest most worlds are infinitely empty and that while the number is incalculable the problem is that we can't really comprehend the expansiveness of the argument. There are both infinite Ricks and Mortys doing whatever they do and infinite empty

People had that fear in the 1920s when the movie industry really began to boom and 'celebrity culture' exploded (some would argue back to the 1890s or 1900s….I'm going with the expansion of film). It's not happened yet atleast anymore than we become generally looser as we become more democratic. Instragram and

We normally disagree politically but in this case we're both Catholics and in general we're a pretty sober lot. I look to saints when I want to discuss how to be a good person sometimes. I personally like St. Maria Goretti who was able to have greater forgiveness than I ever will.

Whatever they pulled for that image it's quite clean. I suspect they ran it through processing because it's darker than the original one but still looks good. It's very classic pre-1990s development of CGI.

I haven't touched my guitar in years but the level of fun in Steven Universe's theme music (and the fact that it's pretty forgiving to a string instrument) makes me want to get back into playing. My goal is to be able to kick overdrive on and thrash out the theme by the end of summer.