
Just a heads up, the Sylvester Stallone link is to a spliced ad that adds in his more recent footage…So it's hard to tell if they spliced out something that made it more clear.

Yeah, I knew he was elected in 1968 but in a sad way that's kind of when the 70's started or atleast the 60's ended. So you are perfectly correct and even without Wallace's vote Nixon would have probably won those as well, his whole platform was built on saying 'Law in Order' instead of 'Putting Blacks in their

So are you defending the historical Ali or the concept that it isn't racist at all? I'm on the fence feeling it isn't racist in an overt sense but for sure some could be offended.

They've all publicly regretted killing Maude at this point….In a weird way since Edna is gone too, Ned has lost two wives in the effective span of two years….

yeah! The 1970s where Nixon was elected twice by capturing white-backlash voters in the South over Civil Rights! WOOOOO!!!

There is a reason why Billy Holiday sang about 'Strange Fruit' and didn't make an impassioned speech about lynchings….

I'm not in 100% agreement…but the Internet is sort of like a very angry drunk with a coke problem. When you can get them out of bed all they want to do is kill somebody.

It was 10 years ago the last time Crystal did it and then this is 3 years old? I'm not sure what to say. Is Crystal's character problematic? Sure. Is it racist? Not really. His character plays upon stereotypes and identities he needs to be careful with but it's at best a very casual form of racism and since he

Doing it to their face in an era where speaking out was generally not acceptable isn't saying much. I'm of the opinion that Crystal's schtick was largely harmless but lets not blanket excuse everything he did.

Pretty much…..Porn is like a C-movie industry, stuck in the fight with groups like Pornhub which take all the money out what is left of the industry.

Finn is post-pubescent and has been in the show for some time (arguably the whole time…the actor's voice changed but we're never confirmed one way or the other since he has feelings for PB from the start). So at most they're promoting lecherous behavior but since everybody else is either non-human and/or thousands of

My eyes cannot unsee what I saw…

There was the classic episode where Homer repoes cars and ends up in a town where Italian-American Catholics are broadly more 'loose'. The show has always taken a light hand with attacking Catholics, I suspect it's a mixture of lack of Catholics in the writing room and just a sort of 'Simpsons being default everyman'

Flanders has since the Treehouse of Horror with heck house (XVIII) which really pushed his 'good god Ned' out in favor of a Ned that had some serious issues. I think the transition started prior to that but that episode made it clear that Ned was going to be the new satire of aggressive evangelicals so Ned still

This is something they talk about in marketing is really how ineffective marketing actually is as a concept. Most impact happens at the fringes, making you aware of a product, getting you willing to try it, then hoping you form a habit.

I can appreciate your imaginary setup, I would in a perfect world probably enjoy it as well. Thanks for sharing your mild psychosis with me, Ricky. :)

Eh….I can kind of respect that position. I hate dressing frumpy but again, I don't judge people for how they choose to dress. I do feel there needs to be a sense of self-respect to present yourself as if you care what I think even if you don't….I'm thankfully still allowed to dress like a professional so while I get

That sounds a bit sexist but it is your imaginary world. Do you wear a dress shirt in the house atleast?

Eh….Almost exclusively dresses and skirts, really? >.> Ok…Now we're getting into fantasies.. :P

I feel like I couldn't measure up to her. I mean, I would want to be that kind of domestic at times but I would never be able to be that great. Your imaginary world is just too good for me to even be a spinster neighbor in. :(