
Do you have a real or imaginary wife to go along with her? I feel like I want to be the imaginary mom to putter, she sounds like a great kid….

RC Separatists are the worst….Right when the war was about to be won they sprung their Diet offensive…and well, you know the rest.

This movie has been talked about since the 1980's. When Kroc was still alive he wanted to make a movie about himself. It never got off the ground and when he died it got shelved….I wonder what that 1980's rags-to-riches (with a cutting of his horrible land dealings) would have looked like.

There is something deeply wrong with you….Yet I feel for you.

I find Keaton so lovable that it almost makes me want to like Kroc even though he's a complete scumbag…..Not that the McD's bros were much better. Pretty much everybody was trying to get the better deal rather than working together.

I love Drunk history for the sheer stupidity and the charmingness of actually getting people to listen to history. Also, I love Octavia Spencer….Who's just a wondrous person.

All the fancy discussion points and charts really belays the point: Showing it in bomb-form does nothing to impact the 6-11/12-17 demographics who have little control over their own TV schedule except during the scant afternoon hours. In a world where CN is more or less built like a rerun network like TVLand or

Kevin, is that you? :P

Didn't a president sit out a war with that group?

That's the problem with mega-sellers….I had friends who worked at a big chain Half-price bookstore….named…well that. Basically the best values for resale were academic books tied to the class lists for the big universities. After that, it was relatively recent graphic novels that pretty much went for full jacket

Books are a brisk market…OK? :S

In other words, we knew that bestseller lists are atrocious hack marketing gimmicks and have always been so. Never mind that the example used of hardcover sales vs. e-book sales are going to be at an advantage based on pricing. Plus we've known conservative and religious groups buy vast grosses of books to get it up

The general running concern is that you and your religious preference are not a public-facing business. Since a public-facing business generally has to accept all business within reason (they have a right to deny service on a lot of grounds that can impact safety or standards of their business).

Non-existent because I gather she doesn't want to be a physical comedian so her roles are nil. For all of the greatness heaped upon Wiig, she largely carries her workload through her face and ability to go broad at the drop of a hat. I would prefer Strong be given a dramedy role but most studios prefer actors to

That's a situation where production values and a serious string of quality sketch shows has forced SNL to adopt some of their attributes. Never mind that in the formative years of SNL there were tons of filmed elements, Albert Brooks made 15 minute short films several times for SNL. Only after the Doumanian era did

Dark souls atleast gets the excuse of being a kind of limbo zone, succeeding frees you from it, ending the trap all together. Bloodborne kind of does a similar ending with you *SPOILER*gettingtobethenewgodsquid*SPOILER*. The problem with games like this and definitely in Gears of War and even Halo is how many times

S'ok, I support that. :D I just didn't see it in your first post (hence the confusion)

I'm lost, who is our Frank Castle? >.>

Michael Keaton is Batman as an actor. I think Conroy's voice work is superior but sadly his physical appearance is just not up to snuff. Plus, Conroy gave the voice direction but the scripts were largely PG-13 at most so he had to work within a much more narrowly defined situation.

Not many standout Lincoln's really, so the list is short. DDL is probably the best of what little I could gather off the top of my head….