
Nah….I just kind of wish they would find a balance and stick to it. As I reflect on it now the original trilogy was light on backstory as well…But that's why the expanded Universe was so great. :D

No, he made an argument that people who talk about politics oversimplify the premise and rely on tribalism. I pointed out there is a real and genuine issue to why people feel that way in America. He relied with sarcasm to which I pointed that perhaps he should just tune it out. :)

If you don't like politics, don't talk about them. :)

Counterpoint to your counterpoint: Under the Skin.

I popped over to A24's website after the Swiss Army Man preview and found they're basically killing it in that under-10M indie movie segment. In a way they seem to have found a great niche for finding fun and interesting stories to tell, doing limited marketing around them, and I have to imagine turning a profit

Since I saw the trailer some time ago I was sold.

The prequels got bogged down in what is effectively a fictional universe's fictional politics. Episode VII jettisoned any concept of a political system. I mean, apparently the New Republic exists and that the resistance v. First Order was a border region dispute until….they destroyed Coruscant? These movies

To be fair, politics is a game of power, one where losers can be destroyed as a people if the politics get heated enough. In America though, there is a particularly strong issue where race substitutes for class and several distinct regional political identities jockey for power in a system devoid of rules and

:O. I stand corrected! See, learned something new today. :)

Eh, you'll have to inform me on this since wikipedia doesn't agree but it lies like a rug sometimes. :3

Genesis had only TWO vocalists so they're not one of 19 bands who had THREE or more.

You do realize this means they're getting atleast a wrap up movie of some kind….AS is just using this as a way to gauge how much they're willing to roll into it or even justify a full or part-fifth season…

Well, I think it's because AS is really run by like 10 people. All the shows are done through small production houses and the creators of the show talk to the main people so unlike a larger cable network that may have only a slight bigger office that runs the day-to-day it's also built around being that communal and

I'm sure it's been mentioned but again, why is a FULL ADULT woman being voiced by another adult woman? While voices do age she isn't going to become Meg Ryan….

In other words: Serious film critics tend to like well made dramas and poo-poo low-brow comedy that makes a mint. I would like to see this light cross-tabbed with the total box office draw and see if the bottom ranked are different from what the public wants.

I'm glad I'm not the only one because as far as I know St. Vincent isn't a band, it's a name for Annie Clark when she's performing. Thus it isn't possible to write it that way unless Clark herself describes it as a band and I've never heard her do it that way…

It was awkward and sad. I've seen people high as a kite before but whatever he was on made him numb and completely out of it.

I know, most people just don't take such abrupt stances even if it is your own opinion. Good for you…

Eh…I mean, we can look at pre-Beatles recordings from their Liverpool pub days and it sounds Rockabilly cusping onto what the Ramones would make an artform. They'll debate forever who did it first but I definitely give the Ramones the rightful title of the first big act.

Wow…I'm going to go lay down after reading that. I don't think I can handle that must pretentiousness from somebody who rightfully was too young…