
I'll pick up the book this summer to read. I like NOFX but after meeting fat mike at Warped Tour years ago and him being so coked out of his head that he stumbled off his bike and skinned his knee I felt weird. Security helped him up and he just sort of stabilized himself to walk to the bus. That was a man who may

I never really thought of that divide until I watched SLC Punk then I realized that the Sex Pistols were awful in a way that made me never care again. Johnny Rotten made being a bad singer a kind of art form and while it worked on that album….they really did last because of Sid and the image, right?

Your intentional irony is not taken lightly….

I think that's the old man brigade that tends to flood articles about Punk. In their mind they pretty much feel it ends with television or another band I couldn't recall to save my life when the whole form kind of morphed in two distinct directions with the Rancid/NOFX taking a clear and direct visual and aural

What their frontman did has no impact on their music. That kind of irritates me because his shitty behavior happened well after the band's prime material and I'm not suddenly going to hate something just because the person behind it is a douchebag.

I don't know, NOFX was definitely on that side of Punk Rock that appealed to white kids in the burbs in the 1990s. I think AVC skews a touch younger than NOFX's prime time (24-35, I'm 32 and they were already starting to enter the later phases of their prime). On that same note, nothing in that review left me

Why even share your definition? The majority accepted one posits that this is an easter egg, meant to be found and a nod to programmers. It's nothing more, nothing less….

The same way as Americans. I'm not sure what you want to misquote again but Brits aren't historically as child-focused as we are as a people. Not in the 1950s and 1960s. Global cultural dominance may have shifted it partially but it was accurate then.

Because my garage band is a major player in the world of Rock & Pop…..

I hate to break it to you but basically the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is more or less the 'Everybody who isn't Country Hall of Fame, oh and some who are.'
Les Paul is inducted as an artist. Nobody is mistaking him for a rock artist, even a rockabilly artist, he was more or less a straight country artist with a

Yes. I did mention chain video store. So I could see some independent ones but the chain ones I doubt.

Grew up in Knoxville, the neighborhood behind Mt. Washington, so I'm a native as well. I would not consider Pittsburgh part of the South….West Virginia isn't even part of the South. It's just really damn rural.

Lets be fair to Kingsley, he has been heavily nominated for BAFTAs but he also appears to have no fear about taking any and all roles. In interviews he seems like an actor's actor, just a guy who plays a part if it looks interesting come acclaim or shame. You have to respect that in a way….

*upvoting in support of the upvoting*

I know this is two days old and I'm late to seeing this review but…for god's sake..

I would be the target audience of this film, I've seen Groove Tube, Tunnelvision, American Raspberry, The Kentucky Fried Movie, Amazon Women on the Moon, and a bunch of other cheaply made and far less classic sketch films in this vein. The worst I've seen in Movie 43. It really misses the point of these earlier

I really don't get how a guy who essentially made a career off of being a more adult-oriented version of Looney Tunes and a taste for the 1950s and 60's could draw the ire of AVC so hard. MacFarlane 10 years ago would have been a serious threat to taking over comedy as we know it. Now, he's a branch of the tree that

If it was pre-Youtube she atleast had a modest argument. But post-YT? Come on, everybody understood that the internet was increasing speeds to make watching content feasible on a grand scale. Once we reached 480i with YT (and we did very quickly) it was just a matter of time till 720 and 1080. It's all pretty

Or we could just keep the racks and boxes in a prop depot and ship them out to an empty storefront when we need them…..

Are we saying Netflix as a company or as a concept? It seems likely that when all this shakes out both will be accurate until we reach the singularity and then who's going to collect on that bet? Your conscious will have no want for money…