
Midwesterners always refer to themselves as the East Coast when that title stops around Pittsburgh and even that's being generous. The PA border is where the Midwest starts….

The internet would help with that….Just search your old Uni's website's directory.

I'm pretty sure I could find a carriage shop in NYC. It's like playing the odds game, you're bound to find some. I could also imagine a much older NYC population that just prefers DVD rental or find the cost of internet speed + Netflix not a value to a few movies a week.

I appreciate the fact that he feels a family video that has an order-thru window for a pizza place next door is what makes Ohio 'cool.' THIS IS WHAT MAKES OHIOANS THINK THEY'RE COOL!

The original story is conceptually about children who come from these quick post-war marriages. The idea that battle-hardened men will breed battle-hardened children. A kind of nightmare of power gone awry. It also took place and was filmed by Brits who culturally don't engage in child rearing the same way as

And we've hit maximum MRA as he posts insane youtube videos to vouch for his own goofiness….

. . .Nobody cares what an extremely dedicated group of fascists like. The KKK hasn't gone away….but yet here we are, black male and white female lead. Seems we're still climbing, jackass.

I'm just quietly eating some cheez-its while these two goobs have epic meltdowns pretending their ironic misogyny is totally cool…

Nice way to finish off flouncing, I'm sure. Did your viagra prescription get rejected?

I have to imagine his tiny little peen must be chaffed raw from the extreme misogynist and racist hard-on he has for yelling at women in general….

I had to laugh..You're a dip who just really wants to troll hard.

The power of acting!

The irony burns when you say things that patently absurd…..

We have a functional rate of inflation. Box Office Mojo did the work for me….You're just a moron.

Then why worry about it? You can't complain that women are bringing you down when it's still wildly successful….

More than you do, sick puppy, clearly. Shall you perhaps try to read some Harlan Ellison and Ursula K. Le Guin before we go further or shall you stick to your guns that adventuring is reserved for white men only?

Frankly, you already exposed yourself as anti-woman, so why bother to go down this road with you? You're in a psychosis about debating fictional people in a fictional universe and trying to apply real world dynamics to it in the name of defending your broken philosophy. I just don't care and nobody else does.

Not even close.
BvS:DoJ - 270,529,382
Episode 7 - 935,080,800

I like how you somehow want to make a fictional story written by humans about space faith and a deus ex machina into 'logic, reason, and science' when none of them can apply to a fictional story in this way since Rey isn't a human woman as we would understand on earth.

Lazy MRAs who lose always gotta go ad hominem to protect themselves….I'm drinking your tears. :P