
To be fair, the 80-81 season vs. the 79-80 season really isn't as bad as people make it out to be. It's part of the mythos of the show. That it was on life support and awful because he left. It was so-so and has always been so-so in most iterations. It's a show that throws a lot of humor around and some sticks,

Nope, she's the mom in the auction sketch. Zamata is the girl in the band in the auction sketch and Rudnitsky actually got a close up in the same auction sketch though he's barely featured for a moment. It's really hard to judge his position but he's getting more face time which is a good sign for him…

I'm gathering that Jay Pharaoh is probably the BEST writer they have because basically, he shows up to do impressions then vanishes. Usually good writers at SNL come in two flavors: Ones that write themselves in and ones that writes for others. I'm guessing Pharoah is the latter since Kenan is the featured black

Both basketball player in the auction sketch & the bro who was quitting weed in the So Cal update. He had a solid appearance as kind of the skinny Sandler.

Sadly in real life. Pitt was apparently a volatile man who habitually showed up late, was erratic, and generally caused issues. It's why he hasn't gotten much work since.

I see what you did there…Bravo.

Pitt's exit was not planned no matter what the PR answer is. His behavior is what killed that show and it's frustrating because it was clear he and Nucky had something worth exploring. His inability to hold his act together killed BE.

I never quit Boardwalk Empire but the loss of Jimmy Darmody, then the death of Richard Harrow (Jack Huston) was pretty much the straw that broke my back to see it go on. It was clear that Michael Pitt's completely idiotic raging antics on set is what caused that show to collapse on itself. You can't have what is

Eh, it isn't like the account shows up aggressively outside of R&M topics. A good gimmicks knows it's audience. Plus, I'm pretty sure the person behind it has posted genuine posts using it…

Canada is really USA: North Edition.

I used to live in Flagstaff where we had Del Taco. Trust me, going East past Texas any form of chain mexican pretty much dries up. Del Taco is awesome though, I wish it was here…It was much more like how I remember places like Taco Tina and the others growing up.

Is it ironic that your name implies you're a future creature when your stated views are troglodyte-levels of antiquity? Unless…Oh god…You come from the skewed timeline where Trump wins, don't you? >.>

Do you publicly express a desire for playing 8-32bit gaming?
Do you really believe that rom-based cartridges are superior to a hard disk with multi-megabit internet download speeds?
Do you hate the idea that a game having multiple intellectual choices between varied story lines is becoming the standard?
Do you really

Keanu Reeves is America's secret weapon against terrorism. The perfect sleeper agent, I mean, his face is in a constant state of confusion and slight drowse.

I vaguely remember that late 80's/early 90's period when mexican food was still a fast food format for places besides Taco Bell. It's kind of sad because while I was small then (31 now) it was always interesting because it was fun to eat food in an edible wrapper in my mind and given these places actually sourced

That's a bit of a stretch, but I would let you write that as an undergrad just to entertain me. If anything, they serve a significant purpose of offering relevant access to culture that isn't narrative based. If the monoculture argument was true when in Dave switched to CBS he should have failed. If anything, their

This swells my heart with joy to know I'll be able to watch more debauchery from Rick Sanchez and crew. I just worry that we'll see a steep drop off in quality as they try to capitalize. I know I may be in the minority here but while some season 2 episode REALLY stand out they're not as even-keel as the season 1

I believe the Venture Bros. use a much more technical style so that slows down production and increases cost. Plus, lets be honest, they were part of that era when Adult Swim was finding itself and wanted to play in the big boy pool then found out they really weren't interested in that when they could shovel cheap 11

I actually have a Mr. Meeseeks badge from Chewbaccus during Mardi Gras. It is my prized possession amongst my random Mardi Gras loot.

That has turned into a shit show….Not the actual show, the events surrounding it. The show is still amazing but it's been so sporadic that I'm lost past season 3 or 4. I'm just going to have to watch everything on hulu or wherever it is (or torrent it… know..Adult Swim is pathetic at handling their