
Nah, I totally see how inflammatory it was now that the tides have receded and people are more calm. It wasn't really meant to be but frankly I stand by much of what I said in defense. You can totally think this movie is awful and not be sexist but you can't make the argument the other way around without being

Since thumbing through your replies it seems you're a moderate MRA. I mean, you may not blindly agree with them but you pulled out the traditional go to's for them.

Or how about this: You presumed I wanted to get people to respond antagonistically. I didn't. When they did, I responded like a human does. The presumption that you're some 'adult' trying to talk down to a lowly 'troll' to prove your median position is valid is a waste of both of our times.

Ah, so it was a matter of being 'provocative' that caused these people to lose their minds and expose their own issues? Mind you, that to me sounds like Martin Luther King Jr's Marching was needlessly provocative hence Bull Connor lost his mind and that's on King.

They're descriptors as I stated before…

The youngest men I see in my college classroom is 17, I have had a 16 year old on occasion. They generally get good grades, I tend to only fail those who don't show up. I try to work with anybody who shows up.

. . .I have to flag you because you went too far.

Why would you assume I wanted to fight? I wanted to post a comment and move on. The expression some people went out of their way to make certainly proved it more accurate than not.

Says the troll who uses terms like 'SJW' to define a statement that wasn't about him or his obnoxious false dichotomy straw attack.

You kept making this wild assumption and kept being stupendously wrong. I never made that argument so this is solely on your strawman arguing.

Unless you live in a swing state, I don't care and frankly it makes me worry about the state of democracy when my vote counts the same as J. Spat's insanity…

And we've passed into parody of an argument phase…

Hah! I'm not sure if i'm supposed to be offended or not. Either way it was a pleasure, be sure to give my regards to Donald.

American music is by definition insular, we live too far away from Europe and their developed sounds were actually overtaken by our identity (Europeans into the 1950s and 60s were ENTHRALLED by Jazz). To say we're an inbred group of musical influences is understated.

Nah, it's ok. I actually don't care if you disagree that's what half the fun of life is! Though I have to ask….Birth of a Nation for historic value? >.>

I did read it, what he said was my post was inflammatory to some but by showing how sexist you are you proved my point. He then said I had a basis for why I would be so open to the idea that sexism is an issue and gave reasons why. Anyways, I'm done fighting with you. You're not going to concede ground, you're an

NOOOOOOOO! I'm withering away and dying….or well…You know, not feeling much of anything. :|

'So fairness is not the objective, 'girls win because boys are supposed to be chivalrous.' Excellent standard.'

It really sounds more like evolution than revolution in this case. Ragtime, Delta Blues, and Jazz all had a hefty hand in developing what would be understood as 'Rock and Roll,'

It totally matters, men do get raped and trust me, the Feminists I work with and read about certainly care. It's an issue we try to fight for by sending the message that 'toxic masculinity' is not acceptable and shouldn't be treated as such.