
Or perhaps getting the entire crew of the Normandy killed…*COUGH* >.> Look, I didn't know that it would do that…

Haha! I can only imagine the subtle commentary of how you're 'different' this time. :P

Weird…I thought Coke Zero had sucralose in it, hence why it was different from Diet Coke? Good lord, everything is topsy turvy, I no longer want to live in this world….

It's got a bullet hell aspect for the true mercy path as every mercy requires you to avoid getting hit but it's designed to be beaten by casual players so the final boss may give you some trouble it won't make you cry and wilt. :)

So many game journalists out and out reject the dichotomous good/bad systems in places like Bioware games but I think they offer a good starting point for this conversation. When they make achievements they always have a 'do both paths' one which implies the game should be played in both directions. I have never

If the FCC maintains their authority that broadband internet is an utility than legally they have no real way to engage in such huge price increases since they'll be limited to cost plus models. Instead, at that point the biggest internet ad providers will be interested in buying them out just to get more ads on your

Saccharin = Sweet'n Low
Aspartame = Equal/Nutrasweet
Sucralose = Splenda

Eh, Sucralose along with all the artificial sweetners are pretty much safe and if the difference is a slightly elevated chance of liver cancer vs. gaining weight where all kinds of health issues can abound you're better off drinking the fake sugar.

I remember it just being odd, caramel coloring does something or rather, to get it close to Pepsi they messed with the formula something bad. I do remember wanting it to be kind of like sprite but it was just oddly sweet….It was something else. :S

Some people can taste the sucralose differently in Coke Zero, I'm one of them. Splenda to me tastes like cardboard, sweet cardboard…but still cardboard. Mainly because it's made from fiberous wood pulp.

and you didn't tell your father how awful it was then? Because it was pretty bad, gimmicky and foul. I want to drink it again to remind me how bad it was…

They existed for something like 10-15 years, I remember being a kid and my parent's tried Zima at a restaurant and then being in my mid-20's and my sister-in-law was still ordering them.

HBO has held that title since the Sopranos and even arguably before that but that's when they were catapulted to 'prestige TV' class. Following that it's a crap shoot between AMC & FX. I would put FX first but that's because I don't watch any of the AMC shows. After that, Netflix is the next best place for prestige

Well, the problem with Cable is that they're a middle-man, we're paying them for distribution while the channels are being paid by advertisers. So if we get a net-zero price difference we're still gaining the loss of commercials which is a huge impact.

It's a smart marketing strategy, give away 16K cases of it, get people desperate for it, allow them to taste it (and thus verify it is swill once again) and then let it die. This seems like a convenient way to test market it without risking a multi-million dollar campaign.

It existed, it was never super popular, but it did kind of pave the way for what would become the in between drink of today with things like Smirnoff Ice and Mike's Hard Lemonade…

What was there to break down, really? I mean I already tore your argument to shreds and you've yet to try to respond with any relevance. I don't care WHO you are, I only care why you say such idiotic things.

Playstation network is offering a similar setup but with a more limited bundle package in a few cities (more akin to traditional cable). My problem is that I want the broadcast 5 (you never know when the CW may actually broadcast something worth watching), FX/FXX, ESPN1-The Ocho, Cartoon Network/Adult Swim, and HBO.

I'm pretty sure your average multiplex gave up all the film projectors and probably runs a very high end digital IMAX projector. It's kind of hard to not already acknowledge it's a relic when '100 theaters' for the Hateful 8 is considered spectacular.

I'm thoroughly blown away by the sheer quality of gif makers anymore. I'm not as enthralled by confused Travolta but I do enjoy imgur far too much. >.>