
It's still an issue where Finn even at 16 is still a 'child' by comparison to the other three (though Jake acts like a huge kid). It's hard for them to accept his aging in many ways which is something that the show probably won't address until later.

Keep that racket down….I've seen the stalker series and it's interesting but it suffers for being too-eurocentric at times and then too americanized…They never found the right cultural balance I think.

The subtle changes to vader's look makes sense in the fact that lived in prosthetic parts for the handicapped change over time and there is a presumption (and i believe supported in various EU sources) that vader himself changed the looks and designs from time to time.

In a weird way….Yes? I highly suspect the chest panel had some influence. It wasn't a widely popular movie but De Palma was definitely known and I am sure it was watched by a great many in the new cinema scene. Otherwise it's probably just an interesting coincidence. :)

I never played the original fallout or 2, sadly. Sounds like they have a ready made storyline for the first person update.

Interesting, I wouldn't mind seeing a Euro or Aussie based one, kind of a straight up Mad Max-infused version. Perhaps we'll see that as a sort of quick follow up to 4 using the new engine and system? That would be a nice change of pace.

It's more likely they would suffer death from fallout..pun intended…but their actual physical buildings and most of their existence would be untouched and New Vegas kind of touches on that, since most of Vegas is actually intact simply because it wasn't a main bombing site.

There have been some low-level employees but we've never found their own completely unmolested vault where they clear hid.

I imagine so, I mean the '100 years after the war' is kind of a way to say everything worthwhile is decrepit (and how is food preserved THAT well?!?!) I just want to take Fallout stories to the next level, give them a newer burgeoning society, actually have some pieces put back together, maybe they could set it in

I'm at the point where I'm ready for a fallout that takes the time table up 50 years or 100 years. Give them a semi-rebuilt world and perhaps find that Vault-Tec HQ has been safely ensconced in a quite part of the midwest which left them largely untouched and ready to assert their dominance over the NCR, Brotherhood

Does it? I'm not sure where Fallout can go without it going somewhere possibly offensive and misses some of the point of Fallout which is that the US is a superpower and its capitalist ideology…

I really suspect he's madly in love with her and will defend her forever…though maybe support her becoming a ghost too..

. . .The film is iconic. I mean, it's used as a whole subgenre of vampire identities. Pretty hard not to use the iconography and story somewhat. I hear you're argument but I don't think it was intentional. :)

This show is all about letting storylines dangle for weeks at a time. It's pretty clear that the vampire tweens & the evil horny demon (probably lowe's inner-demon/10 commandment killer) are all coming back in later episodes to resolve themselves.

I had the same problem for a moment, since it was confusing to know if March was still alive or not since they've given him color and black and white flashbacks. It was pretty clear once she talked though that it was present. The interesting thing was how they've had a semi-permanent relationship even through death

Famous movie & famous director of said movie turn out to actually be what the movie was about? I'm pretty sure that joke/story/urban legend has been around as long as we've made movies. Calling it a 'ripoff' is too strong when both plot lines are straight out of central casting for tropes.

This once again strikes solidly with a serious streak. It's pretty clear Lowe is the 10 commandment killer in some messy Tyler Durden way. It's written all over the series at this point and the Lowe may be able to 'kill' his alter-ego…But who knows.

It's still pure Howard Hughes with a dash of Gomez when he goes after Gaga

Yeah, I have to admit the novels themselves are the true depth of the universe. It's actually kind of interesting how SW fans divide. The movie lovers may collect everything SW, may eat, sleep, and breathe the first trilogy and may even begrudging love the 2nd. They want to talk Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie to death…

inevitably we're going to see chunks of the EU sown back in as we move forward but there were a ton of rich stories worthy of being 7-8-9, the correlian trilogy would be a worthwhile follow up to the originals…