
The Dark side ending is what? More complete as a 90's 'realism' ending? It's not particularly better than the light side ending in way but KOTOR was really just starting out in the binary choice system that became no more nuanced in Mass Effect but widely loved because it ideally made you want to be a better or

Honestly, I think that's what drove people away more than anything, there was too much gray and absolutely nothing left for people to cling to as good, bad, or otherwise. It was moral turpitude wrought real and physical…

So, I know I'm in the minority considering the second season actually quite good, not great, but quite good. It throws too many 'realism' mistakes in after conjuring a pretty obscure and unlikely scenario (killing Woodruff like that is just bad writing).

Meanwhile is what you mean, but hey, points for vocab use. :)

I was utterly confused for a time and now this irritates me even further by creating more frames….Didn't we do away with this in 1997?

I grew up watching this movie so often as it is one of my father's favorites. Whenever it was on TV we would end up watching it and it's still a great pleasure…even if it is completely silly.

Oh they just double down on working 'real jobs' which makes me twitch and want to punch them…

But people want action and the easiest answer is security kabuki theater…

Battles get bitter at times, mainly because I do alot of 'correcting' and explaining which makes them feel small. It isn't intentional so much as natural, I don't let my PS Intro kids get away with it either…

It's weird, my family from my grandparents to my uncles are diehard FDR/Kennedy/Johnson liberals. Their spouses are kinda racist democrats (you know, still OK with Unions but really don't want blacks around). Then my cousins are all Gung-Ho ex-military or just creepy 'fiscal conservatives' with a touch of 'bad

Being sincere is the best form of being. Some people are really sincere in their motions, some are not, it's just not up for us to judge their internal motives of feelings. People are funny creatures….Best to just worry about how you choose to deal with it rather than them. :)

No, sadly I think there is definitely some long-term underlying love affair with French nationalism that gets caught up in French-ethnocentrism that is going to turn this into a powder keg. It really is going to turn on whether or not most of the attackers were new immigrants or longer multi-generational ones, if

I'm pretty sure all of my conservative relatives have my feed turned off and I learned to cruise past their hate. I only see them for holidays, a few times a year I can be nostalgic…that's about it.

Trump has no sense of decorum or at this point even the shreds of a soul. It's no longer interesting to watch him flounder and inevitably fail. I just want him off the main stage, his schtick isn't funny anymore (nor was it ever).

We've got no party responsibility yet, arguably attacking French citizens in such a coordinated attack is clearly being carried out by somebody with an agenda. I would fathom a guess of ISIS/IL because they're fanatical enough to carry a fight to a people they can't win against.

All I can think of right now is to quote Se7en, I wish Hemingway had been wonderful enough to write this but I'll just leave this hear hoping that we can pick up the pieces and fight onward. Terrorists regardless of motive cannot see this as a victory.

In a weird way Captain USA reminds me of the comedian (and not just the crappy domino mask). I do remember Shear though and her 'up all night' spiel, I was really too young to enjoy that era but I did get to have Joe Bob Briggs that shaped my late night movie taste forever.

This was pretty obvious just watching the film that it was a strange homage to the previous works. I know this isn't confirmed or seriously on the table but I can't help but feel like the writing on this was so breezy that they were trying to setup another 2-3 films and when Craig made it clear he wasn't going to do

Eh, I've cooled off dramatically, taught my afternoon class & rode my bike for a while. I came back to this…and well, nobody should be compared to a Cubs fan…Not even the Cubs themselves.

Since I just took a few moments to review some of your open political history I'm essentially talking to George Will-lite.