
Can we stop with the 'SNL isn't relevant' argument? You're talking about it, it's relevant. You're just resistant to admitting that.

I like QoL, but Craig's era will be known for his AMAZING outing in Casino Royale as a stand-alone Bond film and Skyfall for being a great way to touch on the current and nostalgic Bond.

Skyfall neatly wrapped up the 90's/00's Bond mythos with a nostalgia ending. Going further down that pipe didn't make this movie any better and actually really ended up hindering the character. It actually felt like Die Another Day's opening more than anything. Brosnan atleast had campy writing to work with and his

I saw the movie this afternoon after finishing classes and deciding to take the afternoon off. Well worth the price of admission but the whole run of Daniel Craig Bond post-Casino Royale has been leading to this and frankly it feels like this movie was written with the idea Craig had signed on to do a second trilogy

Well he is a trump supporter…

I know AV Club tends to get higher levels of trolling for trolls sake. I'm actually pretty sure Chad was serious. At least, 300+ comments serious…There is a fine art to trolling and if he was then he crossed from satire into straight support but I really am sure he was just a straight forward Trump supporter.

Except that this sad decrepit little being is serious…

Every Tarantino film seems to get better than the last (yes, even death proof…). I was sold the second it was Tarantino but this film looks like it may be hist best to date and that's a hard thing to top. This seems to be classic Tarantino though, large set pieces, monologues, tons of dialogues, and aggressive

No, see I didn't spend 5 hours hamfistedly championing a bigot. I spent maybe 15 minutes responding while doing other work. I scrolled through to see what others had to say and it's pretty clear you've just been spamming your stupidity for president this entire time. It's spam because it isn't even about the

Actually you could probably correct them and point out that Fawkes wanted to return a Catholic to the monarchy which would have actually removed the theocracy from the state by default of the English King no longer being the head of a church. Whether Fawkes would have wanted more democracy in 1604 is hard to know,

And that is why you don't do stupid and horrible things where you're easily accessible. At least wait till your a fortune 500 CEO, then you're at least harder to embarrass..

So you're essentially saying your too crazy for Infowars which is a black hole of stupidity and insanity? Wonderful…go back into whatever hole you crawled out of, please.

I'm pretty sure they've got this whole episode on lock down. Sad…but probable. Though it would be awesome if somebody did sneak in and get on camera to give Trump what for…

Ultimately the far left will turn to anarchy, the far right to Fascism. The problem with American politics is that the right confuses civil liberties with fascism because they no longer get to run rough shod over everybody they dislike.

At this point I'm not really asking much of AVC but a mod should just go ahead and block him on this thread. It's clear he's just spamming and is pretty serious….or atleast so trollish as to not be interesting. I don't mind his political opinion, I mind that he's spend nearly 5 hours spamming this thread with his

I got that but it's hard to tell because some committed trolls play a both-sides-of-the-fence style…It's so bombastic that it could be performance trolling.

Yeah, last week somebody floated it to me and it was hard to believe…Now it seems all but obvious. If he isn't the 10 commandment killer I'll be surprised, I mean I kind of hedge my argument as a split personality or demonic possession. But with the way the serial killers talked to him last week and Paulson this

So we've set all the pieces in motion, Lowe's clearly the 10 commandment killer (or is controlled by him/it). The vampire kids are going to be found out and thus expose the whole she-bang causing a huge raid on the Cortez at some point. Which in turn ruins all these plans for Basset & Bomer's character.

Wow….I just glanced through your comment history, you're either an amazing satire of a Trump supporter or out of your head. Either way, keep swinging for the fences, kiddo…

Eh, I'm holding it together, best to hit them with facts than get upset. The real victory is rubbing it in their faces for another 8 years when Hillary wins. :)