
He's made highly fascist and bigoted remarks about Mexicans and Women, not to mention several other groups. But there goes links for you to read. Also, thanks for noting that you're so in agreement that I can discount your view.

He called Mexicans rapists and drug dealers as a people. AS A PEOPLE.

This article doesn't separate the argument well enough from being a politician and being a bigot. The best argument for NOT having him host is that he's an outspoken bigot with no redeeming qualities. I actually welcome most of the politicians onto shows like this because it gives them a chance to be involved in

But Trump is an open and outspoken bigot. This article doesn't pretend there isn't a double standard for left/right in comedy but rather that Trump is more than a right-wing douchebag, he's an outright bigot which shouldn't have a stage unless we're clearing the way for David Duke…

Yeah, I saw that after I posted…He was American. Still, his language from the beginning was stilted and not common to American parlance.

Scarry died after that revised edition came out, I'm pretty sure they're actually his updated drawings. Regardless, he seemed like a fairly progressive gentleman…

It's not really anymore 'PC' than acknowledging that in 1969 very few women held jobs outside of the home and were commonly still being trained into low/medium skill light duty positions like secretary and nurse (no offense to either, these are merely the generic titles we tend to use in economics). It's kind of

I'm going to bookmark this to use in my History of Modern Business course next semester…they'll get a kick out of it. :)

Hah! Ah you made my day a bit better….thank you.

I don't get how a religion played into it, it directly impacted the gay and trans community and garnered them more direct rights. There are similar measures in many cities and states. In fact, getting it overturned by using the elusive trans bogeyperson is just how pathetic this whole thing was.

I saw the later half as I came home from teaching a grad seminar and found this. It was interesting and feel good but being a Catholic and not an evangelical I've learned to just grin-and-bear-it with these types. So much is untouchable about religion and I'll defend your right to believe to the hilt but guys like

It's weird but slowing them down makes you really respect how good the Chipmunks ACTUALLY sound. They're in-key, they have a soothing tone. It's pretty weird because I could sit here and listen to this all day and just assume it was a 90's cover band doing an intentionally slow version of that Pearl Jam kind of

I always felt the same way, he could have been great comic relief if he wasn't such a clear aping of sambo/comic savage. The lack of self-awareness of this on his creator's part makes it even more skin-crawling.

Oddly enough, I really enjoyed Kid Nation and thought it was interesting to see how children would engage each other. Oddly enough a meritocracy did emerge fairly quickly because they kept sizes closer than they could have and because there were obviously adults around…But it was still interesting television if not

They've tended to make an obvious hero in every season (McDermott's in 1, Peters in 2, Farminga/Paulson in 3, Peters again in 4, and now….Bentley in 5?). Their heroes tend to be obnoxious but we usually get an audience surrogate. Even if they're a crappy one…So to have Bentley be the secret serial killer may make

But that's so easily traceable….and then probably checked by other police. If he is the 10 commandment killer this is semi-shoddy writing. I still have my doubts in many ways because while he gets the crime scenes near immediately it gives you no hero to root for. They setup Chloe Sevigney then immediately knocked

I agree….I think that's perfect because Carrey has never tried to create an empire. He's been a jobber his entire career, picking up scripts and getting paid (he was once in the 20 million range I believe). But he doesn't want a production company or to make the same movies over and over again.

I saw that down thread….It would appear he may be the 10 commandment killer and a dual personality trope. I kind of hope not…but it wouldn't surprise me at this point.

I think there cover was 'they never caught you…' therefore he is a dead ghost that gets to keep his 'identity.' Though again, only Ramirez had any kind of ongoing identity. Eileen, Gacy, and Dahmer all killed quietly and were only linked together after they were caught.

Interesting theory but how would he be able to talk to himself through the phone? Wait…lets throw that out. Maybe Det. Lowe is a split personality and is a control freak because he has to keep his evil alter-ego in check?