
It's the 'halloween so we do random stuff!' episode and it can be awesome or boring. When you have 13 episodes to tell an entire story blowing one off for random fun stuff is a bad way to do it. I've long advocated for them to through on 2-3 episodes just because they're not a standard format show and clearly they

I'll be honest, I get that it's the A.V. Club shtick but do we really even need letter grades anymore? I don't give two damns if you think it's an 'A' or a 'C' (which is still technically average). I come here to read the reviews and trade ideas about my favorite shows. I kind of treat this place as a way to

Overall it as a good episode but another one of the 'wasted ones for halloween' we get every year. It doesn't forward the story much but does have a fun time. As for Det. Lowe not being alive? That's a pretty silly argument. They've been pretty clear that he and his wife are clearly alive but the editor has made

Same for Wournos, Gacy, Zodiac, and Dahmer. Really, everybody at that table was a serial killer in the last 46 years. It was awkward and a little uncomfortable because this is one of the first times they've dabbled in genuine people who have actually murdered. In almost all of the cases they have living relatives

Oh I know…There are some state polls running and Hillary is running way out in front of Trump. Right now a national poll this far out is pointless. Trump can't even sow up his own candidacy let alone think of taking her on. National polls at this point look like popularity contests amongst idiots.

Ok lets be fair, it's 30% of republicans so it's somewhere closer to 6-8% of America. Republicans make up about 20% of America. Democrats make up about 33% of Americans. Both include children, I think if we do it by only possible voters it's closer to 30% and 45%….

National polls this far out are silly. Ben Carson is beating hillary too…but do a state poll. He's not even closer to 270 electoral votes, Hillary is cruising at about 330 given current estimates.

. . .Thanks for proving my point. You went through all this effort to deny but you just proved my point. They're all related via the title and similarities. How they differ is great, they're re-imaginings of a concept but the actual writers took a name and a concept (namely she was a female feminist superhero) and

From what I understand in Murray's case was he was tricked on Garfield 1 into thinking he was working with the Coen Brothers of notorious fame and not guys with sound-a-like-names. Then on Garfield 2 he signed on after he was going to allowed to rewrite the script but through studio shenanigans kept him from doing

It's completely self-aware. I think Funny People is far closer to his real identity than not barring his failed romantic life. I think when he got nominated for a Golden Globe for Punch-Drunk Love and actually played an interesting if eccentric character it really showed his range and ability (which isn't Laurence

They all shared the costume (or some variant of), the identity, and the basic powers. Why are you so willing to die on this hill in the name of something so little when we can confirm with basic facts like print dates that the character concept has existed since 1977. Is this a geekdom thing or are you just that

No, actually they have one HUGE thing in common, they all share the title 'Ms. Marvel' which you're conveniently ignoring to defend your statement. We can split hairs over whether Ms. Khan is rightfully Ms. Marvel but as far as I and the world is concerned she is and therefore has every right to claim the previous

Ms. Marvel is a rather old concept, but like so many second tier heroes she's been about a half-dozen different people. So she's actually a decently aged asset that may deserve a full blown movie around her.

Once you understand that it satirizes the racists and makes it the centerpiece of the film, yes yes it is. Otherwise carry on less talented Howard sibling.

I think the general answer was that he did a string of 'serious' movies with Punch-Drunk Love, Spanglish, Reign over me, and Funny People and was utterly shunned by the respected movie community. So he stopped trying and went back to making utterly lazy screwball comedies. From 2002-2007 he really tried to be a

So you include Brosnan's first outing as 'real' bond? I think Goldeneye walked the line between realism and fantasy the best of his outings but Craig's series is infinitely watchable. They're fun and intense though the last one pushes the limits and in the last 15 minutes hits 'nostalgia reset' in a very

To be fair to Moore: He's an old crotchety white guy who is generally viewed as 'ruining the bond name' along with Dalton who was atleast VERY accurate to book Bond by being a hate-filled sociopath.

'Showdown' came from two-fisted tales and while it wasn't designed for TftC it fits perfectly as a lighter episode, a sort of 'good guys do win occasionally' result they would throw at you to let you feel alright. I really miss the show and while it did have weaker episodes from time-to-time it was still a worthy and

The problem with that is that it presumes his 30% support is playing out some grand scheme. I'm confident they're the 30% of self-described tea partiers mixed with the indifferent who see a champion in his delusions.

And Supergirl has traditionally worn a really skimpy outfit. Things change. I appreciate the info on her previous incarnations but I feel like they missed a prime opportunity to make her strong and interesting rather than just a one-dimensional power character you find irritating.