
I admit that I watch every new one that pops up atleast once. I don't even like Norm that much but as the Col. he makes me want to… >.>

We're actually getting far enough away that I have trouble distinguishing the late 70's films from mid-80's films. That period from about 77-88/89 is all roughly the same due to the film process and end of the psychedelic colors going into earth tones for a lot of things.

I rarely call out a GJ,I as such..but…

It doesn't look awful, full of bad racist stereotypes for sure, but the story doesn't look totally awful. Then again in my mind I want it to be more like blazing saddles where they're aware of their own stupidity but they'll take themselves far too serious and end as a Million Ways to Die in the West.

Not really….If you want somebody really dry and acerbic to take the silliness to a new level then he is a great choice. Hammond was trying to play it straight with some irony thrown in. MacDonald is swinging for the fences in obviousness and it works.

Pacino was playing himself in Jack and Jill and more or less. He plays a series of pretty simple cameos. In a weird way though just playing a silly caricature of himself he still manages to out-act everybody else in that movie combined.

Not just a good show but one that has character and steps far out of CBS's wheel house while keeping production values up. It's clear they're taking a page from their CW productions but throwing far more money at this for good reason. Overall this show deserves an A for effort. The initial startup was cluttered but

I teach University, there is no thesaurus in my office. But you're right, he wasn't going be perceived as sufficiently 'Indian' if he didn't do a horrible over-the-top accent.

But the difference is that British person (who you obviously are inferring is white) has no ethnocentric attitudes places on them. It's finding the exception that proves the rule.

Woo! Casual racists getting together….

Without their main quarterback. Even bringing them up is pointless if we're using empirical data. Lets remove Dalton from 4 of your games and see where the Bengals are. I'm suspecting they lose all 4.

Because we were using Michael Vick and our kicker pulled a muscle in his leg thus missing 3 field goals.

She was a failed screenwriter or atleast a less than successful one. Honestly, her writings are of a person who faced endless rejection from those in power and internalized that rejection and put it upon the 'small minded people' who couldn't handle her views. Where auteurs just go off and make their own films and

I have no reason to presume a 'successful businessman' is any more honest than a friend of a man who killed somebody. In fact, unless I've lost my mind the words you used have no validity in correlation with that. Capitalism tends to make us think they're inherently honest, I don't fall into that trap.

Well I'm sold. I like Krysten Ritter and I can always use a better version of the Killing (which it appears to be doing with a big story arc and very few episodic episode). Now to just get it to run for a few renewals on netflix and i'll be set.

The problem is then they come off the bye to a very likely 5-2 Steelers team with a healthy Big Ben and a defense that lets you have tons of yards and zero points. Given the fact that the Bungles have had possibly the softest schedule in a decade and only face competitive teams in the last 6 weeks this could be a

So we're to take the word of a billionaire with a very large investment and seemingly his entire ego in the organization over people who were testifying in court and giving sworn affidavits?

Living in NOLA this last year or so the Saints really aren't that bad. Brees is aging and replacing him (which is a moral loss) will be the key to their continued success. I mean in a decade you've won the division three times. Not exactly stellar but competitive. To put that into perspective: The Steelers won

They are, but all the big energy drink makers were independents captured over time or remained indie as a specialty bottler.

Coca-cola apparently has a 16.7% share in them. Not a wholly-owned subsidiary but they're definitely an 'allied company' as the industry would call it. It's quite interesting since Coca-cola has failed to break into the energy market and selling Monster in McD's is probably a huge coup for them in total sales