
That sums up A.V. Club….alright guys, go ahead and bring up the lights, lets clear out the theater. SilentSpy just won the game and we need to reset for the next crowd of people. Thanks for blowing a good thing we had going here with swarmy commenters. ;(

Interesting, arguably the show had changed substantially by then into the modern version we see today, so it's hard to make a direct comparison but interesting none the less…

Note: This is how you respond to people calling out your racial shenanigans.

wow…classy way to establish your racist credentials…

Jost's removal as head writer seems to mean very little in practical terms since Lorne rules the place with an iron fist. I've watched part of the current episode and it looks good but it's basically a homage to a player that wasn't particularly loved when he was originally on the show but developed notoriety on 30

I actually want that as a skit to see if anti-comedy comedians paired together can create a black hole of discussion that sucks every ounce of humor out of a room and then collapses on itself to form a new form of comedy…

Are we getting that much younger that's now Phil Hartman? It used to be original cast…

Oh lord….what did I get myself into? I mean, I know they're retired..but do you think they still have a key to the building? Could they sneak in and just ruin it by turning it into a sweaty horrid affair? Why must you ruin all good things!

I'm all for the ending of capitalism as we generally understand it by replacing it with a social democracy or atleast an aggressive keynesian model but where is the satire in these commercials? Rather, where is the satire of capitalism? Tony is like all business mascots made to sell their product but he does offer

I'm sold. I'm ready to love you again Venture Bros but only if you bring more Rick and Morty with you. I want an Adult Swim orgy…

Today, so it can be bad to you next week. That's how you know it's Monday.

It's husky and feminine, towards the end it's more noticeable but it's far from terrible.

Never lived in LA, grew up in Pittsburgh, lived in Flagstaff for a time and now live in New Orleans (NOLA) for another year or so. I haven't listened to local radio in atleast 3 years, I live exclusively to SiriusXM anymore. It's actually why I have a hard time understanding top-40 now since they're still using a

I'm actually a HUGE No Doubt fan, I saw them back in the early 2000's during their Rocksteady tour and I still love Gwen. I just noted that comparatively No Doubt gets actually a lot more play of their later two albums (Rings of Saturn & Rocksteady) compared to tragic kingdom which says something in a way.

But I can guarantee that Machinehead and Glycerine gets strong rotation on alt-rock stations still as part of that '90's era' that they still play along side Metallica and Foo Fighters.

This nothing like Unedited Footage of a Bear except that they're both questioning a suburban empty lifestyle. It's a pretty well tread joke but still rather funny.

Yes, he is a man. But he does play a very convincing woman, doesn't he? I was truly surprised but it seems he's been honing that husky female voice for some time in skits.

You know, I take back what I said. I really loved those sexual tidbits in the previous season and reminding me really strikes me as the way this show does deal in sexual expression as a portal towards liberation in many ways.

Blacksploitation meets Disney. It's been done better both with the full blown stereotypical racism and just better exploitation. I'm giving it only two Foxy Browns out of a possible five.

The whole situation with sex in this season has been weirder than normal. I'm not against softcore or using it as interesting plot device but just going full tilt on the eroticism even when they did it in a camp way comes across as weird.