
Sadly true…

It's always interesting to see how memes like this emerge and to find it was a put on is a little sad but not unexpected in some ways. How our memes evolve is intriguing and as far as some drawing a link to the MR/MH community, I'm really not so sure. I worked with a number of them while I was in grad school and

Whoa….whoa….whoa…You're telling me that people exist for periods of time longer than the beginning of the internet? 90's kids would disagree….

To be fair, the owners did that to keep getting media coverage. The media agreed for the sake of the feel good story.

Well what's a loose cannon like you to do in a situation like this?

Netflix has far more freedom. Compared to previous AHS seasons this is pretty far down the trail.

They've had pretty strong softcore porn moments already compared to previous seasons short porn moments that lead into discussion. This has been much more openly erotic (or trying to be depending on your point of view).

For 'unskilled job' it pays very little, as with almost every 'unskilled job' which is already a weasel word since most jobs are actually 'unskilled' unless they require a license, certification, or otherwise need a degree. With no degree you can walk into a car sales job or any number of other sales jobs. Many will

The Royals make it 3 years in a row and win two? Unlikely. Statistically they're facing a decline unless they can keep all players in place and replace aging players/declining players. The Cubs & Pittsburgh are both on the upswing as St. Louis is on the down. KC is on an upswing but so are a few other teams in the

Until the Cubs lose..again…and continue their 'never going to win a World Series' streak while Pittsburgh probably wins next year if Arrieta isn't pitching or kung-ho isn't injured.

To be fair, Nixon's resignation and following pardon created immense distrust but his '68 election victory ushered in the wave of white backlash and Reagan fed on that with paranoid nostalgia. I think we're actually past that point for the majority narrative in society, really since 2000 but especially now. The

Kind of? You have to recognize the deep and possible massive decomposition of our society if Nixon was locked away.

He had to pardon Nixon in order to save the Republican Party. If Nixon had gone to trial the fact that he illegally contacted South Vietnam and struck a side deal before the election would have come to light and he would have been tried and convicted on high treason. He got another 10,000 US soldiers killed and

Except with an actual mystery to be unraveled?

Not all hosts are featured in everything. In a good number of episodes the host will pop into sketches late or simply be a straight man prop. The worst case scenario is they just have him do his Brian Fellows sketch and probably Astronaut Jones then have the rest of the cast fill-in around him.

They're going to trot out Brian Fellows and all his recurring characters and basically just do a rerun of his history on the show. I don't expect it to be awful but he'll be serviceable. He's funnier in interviews where his real intellect pops up through his incredulous public character he maintains.

It's been a while since I saw those early 80's seasons but they actually weren't bad and she was funny.

Dennis just really doesn't like SNL. You get kind of used to it after a while. The previous FT reviewer generally gave B's to most episodes (which is pretty accurate) week-in-week-out. I've learned to just read the article with minimal interest and focus on comments since I care to talk to people who actually like

She was doing ford commercials for SNL and now she does mostly drunks and rejects. I don't get her trajectory unless she's lost some writer's room authority and is being relegated to the back bench.

Gimmick troll is gimmicky…but not at all funny. :(