
I'm sorry, this is exactly what Schumer wanted and she got it; how you missed that is beyond me. Her characters in the sketch show are more nuanced but she has made her career on playing the fem-bro type: loud, obnoxious, lewd, and endearing when she wants to be. All the sketches were more or less tailored towards

I saw this as I was breezing through A.V.C and thought 'oh another scooby doo?' which is alright, I think I watched mystery inc as I channel surfed on and off over the last few years. It seemed interesting and i'll probably netflix the whole thing next summer when I have time to sit down and burn through the episodes.

Once again proving that Double Dare was lightning in a bottle. The interesting thing is how unaware of Japanese game shows overtly physical design or atleast won't own up to it. Marc Summers once more makes me excited to be alive, he's weird, nerdy, and yet somehow makes me love him that much more. He is the

You can kind of look at a movie like this in two ways: Cinematographically or ideologically, in either case the movie fails. The problem is that first is due strictly to money and poor writing of the script, the second is due to the fact that her arguments are horrible and beyond the pale in terms of stupidity. You

Probably the biggest tell is if a SAG actor works on a non-union project. Everybody does them, work is work, especially when you're a poor member of SAG but if you're working on a BIG project that chose to go non-union, there is usually something there to point at. It's a messy business because all productions are

Almost makes too much sense since Bond in the books is a completely callous killer with zero remorse towards anybody or anything. The movie bond is suave and fun with only a hint of the unrelenting killer. She would probably prefer our current bond actually….

The tragic irony is that Atlas shrugging is not part of Atlas' worldview, he hates holding the world on his shoulders but he understands it is his sworn duty to do so. The 'objectivists' are spoiled brats who got rich off of the work of others and simply want to distance themselves when the chances arises…Atlas would

I'm with you on this only because he went to great lengths to decry her looks as a person and not simply establish her miscast status. There are polite ways to address the fact she doesn't fit the part and there are ways to simply tear her down because she's a woman and that her appearance is more suspect. The

I agree, crowdfunding is probably one of the best examples of the free market….The problem is that crowdfunding also highly distorts the free market as it pre-pays for something to be made regardless of larger interest. If the first two were awful and the third is equally so but exists for that small audience it

Blazing Saddles hit the point of racism in satire perfectly. The same people who want to ban Huckleberry Finn hate Blazing Saddles…

Same, I think spaceballs gets extra love by virtue of being a parody of Star Wars, sort of love by proxy in this case.

Well, when your primary show is basically 12 minutes of 30 second cultural references struggling to find a joke most of the time it's hard to turn that into a half-hour. I actually enjoyed Robot Chicken but I never asked it to do much, being obnoxious was kind of their thing and oddly enough both them and drawn

That sounds pretty accurate: The first season was a series of very much Channel 101 type episodic content. Season two stepped up continuity but only because it seemed like they needed to start stringing together some narrative arc. Season three can just be full on arc if they want.

Overall this was a great episode. I wish they didn't have to go ahead and wreck the basic premise of the show since simple episodic content is really great at times but moving them into a front-half of a season war with a back-half episodic would be great.

I suspect they're going to delve into that in Season 3. It's a way to end the season open ended while they figure out their plan of attack.

I'm with you on this. This is clearly The Council of Ricks v. The Galactic Federation. The Meeseeks end up being involved perhaps, as a way to develop an army so no Rick need die.

Pretty much. It's clear the galactic federation is an authoritarian society that may not be totalitarian but definitely will control your life. Really Rick has represented the near perfect concept of Anarchy but without the crushing reality of limited resources. So the Galactic empire is kind of the anti-rick, it's

We had one offensive graffiti tagger left in Pittsburgh in the mid-2000s where he was tagging the tops of bridges (suspension no less…) where he had to be using a rope and pulley system to lower himself over the roadway hanging upwards of 60-70' above the road bed. He earned his tags though eventually he was

It's a bit more complicated than that. Back in the 1990s when Graffiti was considered a major issue as it tended to be highly negative and tied to gang violence (essentially to mark territory) there was a concerted effort to drive it out. When the research came in though it was a futile effort. So more and more

Actually, given our measurement of time even using milliseconds, probably not. Even within a fraction of understandable time, given the amount of births in a given day….maybe?