“Florida District Court Judge Allen Winsor (who was appointed to the bench by Trump)“
I believe the AP Style Guide thus requires the word Judge to be in quotes, then.
“Florida District Court Judge Allen Winsor (who was appointed to the bench by Trump)“
I believe the AP Style Guide thus requires the word Judge to be in quotes, then.
The 2016 Ghostbusters movies has a lot of flaws but it was still more of a Ghostbusters movie then Afterlife was imho. This one looks exactly like Afterlife, pure fanboy crap that is painfully reverent to the source material without realizing it’s a silly comedy movie.
He’s no Buck Henry.
I mean, even the first faked a death. Oh fuck it I was having a debate about spoilers but if you haven’t watched the first Scream by now you are either not a horror fan or just have no interest in watching it. One of the killers faked his death to throw Sidney off the scent in the first movie. There. I don’t feel…
I completely agree but I know from experience you risk getting called an anti-Semite by some people around here for saying it.
Step 1: Get a bucket.
I like Stewart. I’m happy to have him back, especially with this being an election year.
I had a motorized meat slicer in my kitchen for years. Nothing over the top or industrial grade but it was great for more than just slicing meats; good for certain cheeses and veggies too. You could get paper-thin onion slices.
Aww, now I want that.
Now I want boysenberry jam. Haven’t bought jam in a decade or more, not really a breakfast person.
What Knott’s should be known for is the boysenberry, because Walter Knott rediscovered the hybrid, gave it a name, and commercialized it. Boysenberries built Knott’s Berry Farm.
You mean, crusty but dreamy?
This, this right here.
“And all for what, a pair of shoes? There’s more to life than a pair of shoes, you know.”
You see how this whole article is structured, right? It begins - literally the opening sentence - by acknowledging this could be an “embarrassing gap in our knowledge”, then I repeatedly mock myself for reporting 23-year-old news throughout, and then finish by mocking us again by suggesting we’ll report on a Wii egg…
Seems like there’s enough there. It’s a minimal graphical upgrade and comes with a new game mode that, by my count, has at least three separate articles discussing.
There is a small part of me that knows I’m missing some amazing gaming experiences by not playing the TLOU games. But I do not have the mental fortitude to handle a lot of the situations and experiences in either of these games.
My last room mate was quite a bit younger than me (21 I think?) And I remember when that photo of Justin Trudeau in Brownface turned up. I recall her saying “it was a different time” and I was like “no it wasn’t you just weren’t alive. I was a teen and that was not okay then either...”